Friday, January 28, 2022

"Joyful, hard work (in support of Indigenous People) is happening in North Pacific Yearly Meeting"

 RantWoman, never mind the gushy cloyingly exuberant billing. FIRST post the link to the DRAFT NPYM Minute in Support of Indigenous People (PDF) and let Friends read it for themselves.


You mean like talking about, oh, I dunno, RACISM or ABLEISM?

RantWoman, credit for good intentions? 

Yes, OF COURSE support of indigenous people is important. No, of COURSE this minutes is not just about more virtue signalling not really rooted in....Wait A MINUTE! 

"Doctrine of Discovery:" Can we start with maybe a 25-100 word definition of what we are supposed to be repudiating?

Indian Boarding Schools? Have there been any, Quaker or not, in any of WA, OR, ID, MT (WY), the states encompassed by North Pacific Yearly Meeting? 

Do NPYM Friends get a pass on thinking about Quaker boarding schools just because European colonization was in effect full steam long before there were Quakers in the lands of NPYM?

What if we start not just with ideas from far away and the founding of the republic. What if we start with some topics and names closer to home? A sampling on RantWoman's mind:

missing and exploited indigenous women

the Lummi canoe journey

the Duwamish longhouse


fishing rights on Hood Canal

salmon recovery

federal recognition or lack thereof

"Idaho's Forgotten War."

The Custer Battle

forced conversion

Mark Trahant and his Indian Country blog

Sherman Alexie

Seattle CM Deborah Juarez

the Homestead Act

Natural resource management including minerals, timber, water

Ok, ok, RantWoman, what do you want to happen to the minute? 

Hold everyone in the Light while we figure it out.

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