Sunday, May 9, 2021

Heroes of our Time via the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest with Biblical overtones

RantWoman lately has been grabbing about an earworm of the week, some musical experience usually from YouTube that RantWoman is likely to listen to over and over for awhile until she grows tired of it and needs to shift her musical diet.

Ask RantWoman, just ask, to reflect on continuing revelation as it relates to music.

Ask, just ask, about music as part of a community's heartbeat.

RantWoman is fond of this number.

RantWoman advises readers, song lyrics are song lyrics. RantWoman herself does not know to what some initial parts of the song refer. Do not dwell there. Let the song carry you forward.

RantWoman will be happy to elaborate about how to get from the Gospel of John to part of the messages RantWoman finds here. 

RantWoman would have no problem tapping into a large fountain of other messages swirling in RantWoman's head, escept that RantWoman is striving to listen to her body and her body says SLEEP. The Messages will keep. And enjoy the song anytime.

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