Friday, October 16, 2020

"There Is Hope" Author chat with Gabbreell James

RantWoman is trying to take a break from all her binge blog Aware Aware Aware. This post makes RantWoman smile. 

But this IS RantWoman. There will be grumpiness below the video embed. Props to those willing to wade in and listen for the voice of God, at least as garbled by RantWoman. 

"That's okay. Do it. Say what you need to say."

Green Street Meeting

Hospitality: children tend to be hungry all the time. Hospitality and welcoming.

Nope. There is no specific disability mentioned here. But "A few more like you and we could make real change." 

RantWoman is having parallel conversation s in other parts of life where everyone is all for, current buzzword, BIPOC and the intersectionality of disability goes winging by. So maybe Meeting life is just warmup?

Notes that might not turn into anything more fleshed out:
--Coffee hour is hard for RantWoman, noisy, hard to make real contact.

--How DOES RantWoman connect with people? sometimes by collaborating. Sometimes by hearing and holding something precious. Sometimes by shared sense of humor. Sometimes just not.

--Go around circles where people talk one at a time are precious, BUT RantWoman cannot hear timid-voiced Friends across the room without a microphone. So RantWoman's idea of an accessible event includes availability of a functioning and not having to call down a list of names to find the responsible person. Not requiring time travel backward from conversations to events would also suit RantWoman nicely. 

Time travel? Let's just say RantWoman aims to TRY to evoke better communications going forward but RantWoman might enjoy a little too much recounting the how to do it WRONG riffs on past events.

Anyway #DisabilityVisibility  #DisabilityTooWhite

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