Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Call the PO-leece? OH MY.

Today in #NDEAM, etc  news

--Warning: RantWoman believes in signs, timing, even when the signs arrive when RantWoman is already psychically discombobulated.

--Warning: this post talks about assault, the police, people who have a right to exist and to ask for reasonable accommodations regardless of ...  and generally to look out for each other. Readers who do not want to go near any of this are invited to click away now. Readers willing to invest some spiritual fortitude, thank you for sharing the walk. RantWoman generally now has come to refer to her long connections with the community technology center in her building using terms like Vocational Rehab and "Technical assistance." RantWoman promises to blog further about this terminology when she is less sleep-deprived and hopefully better able to comb verbal tangle into reasonable prose. Please note: RantWoman refers either to the STAR of Seattle or The Friendly Neighborhood Center for Extreme computing depending on RantWoman's mood and how off-brand RantWoman's meditations are. Stay tuned.

--Around RantWoman EVERY day, EVERY month is #PedestrianSafetyMonth and also a bunch of the Awareness month categories that have come RantWoman's way. Bless your hearts everyone who gets to take breaks from RantWoman realities.

--A 2016 blog item was delivered to RantWoman's email by an enterprising person who would like RantWoman to post a commercial link comment.

Security incident, self-defense...

--All the principles in the events above are white. RantWoman was not there and does not remember whehter the Chief Morale Officer who is African American was there or not. The STAR Center has a two adults rule not only for insurance company best practices regarding children but also because the two adults protects the staff as well. And theChief Morale Officer is invaluable, for one thing because many neighbors will tell her things they will not tell RantWoman.

But RantWoman digresses. The assailant in the story above, an elderly white guy, turned out to be a homeless mentally ill Level 22 sex offender who slept somewhere nearby. RantWoman generally likes knowing that sex offenders are securely housed with whatever resources they need so they do NOT have to come to the STAR Center, threaten staff with scissors, and generally make a scene. RantWoman does not think merely chanting #DefundThePolice will get WA to that point. In fact, RantWoman thinks there should be more funds in general exactly to fund community mental health and supportive housing. and would very much like to be having conversations also about what WA might do to pull itself out of being the most regressive tax structure in the US.

   --Discussion question: what do readers notice?

  --RantWoman may be written before of advice the officer gave about rearranging the entryway furniture to reduce the chances of anyone else getting trapped in a corner. RantWoman is now both embarrassed and grateful about how that evolved. At first RantWoman did not want to change anything. But RantWoman was not the one who was assaulted and the coordinator REALLY needed to change something. It took RantWoman a couple hours of staring at furniture space and thinking about person flows and then Eureka!

   --Does something in the embedded video draw you in?

RantWoman will not run the risk of incoherence tonight and hoepfully will riff further below.

--The link for the product line the commenter would like RantWoman to post. Please note: rantWoman is posting the link. RantWoman in no way endorses any of the products displayed, but RantWoman frequently finds it useful to consider how the people who would endorse such products actually think.

COMMERCIAL link: all kinds of self defense products

In other words, RantWoman's state of mind / excuses for just posting a raggedy outline:

--The world RantWoman lives in, the exciting realm of vocational rehabilitation, (by the way happy #VR100)  and ways of surviving there

--Adults with disabilities trying to set responsible coping examples for younger people with disabilities. ALWAYs trying. Succeeding? Ummm

It's COVID. RantWoman is unevenly able to manage appropriate sleep schedules and balance with exercise. RantWoman is vexed by more technological vicissitudes affecting her own equipment; RantWoman is also on an involuntary computer lab technology fast because the building housing The Friendly Neighborhood Center for Extreme Computing is getting a new roo . RantWoman slept badly last night and did not make it back to bed. Instead after breakfast. RantWoman has plenty of material lurking for really good Dial-a-Tirade moments.RantWoman has now digested that, in addition to RantWoman and disconcerting medical news, RantMOM also has Things percolating.  RantWoman gets again to express gratitude for ice cubes, plenty of various ingredients to make a hearty chicken and wild rice soup

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