Tuesday, July 14, 2020

The Fruits of Twitter, plus AutoCorrect

There are those nice new testament fruits of the Spirit. Go look them up.

And then there are the fruits of Twitter, gently seasoned with... #Autocorrect.

RantWoman howled watching this sketch over her breakfast porridge (Oatmeal. Thank you for asking)

Take note:
--The pastor needs to hear himself preach. He cannot decide whether he needs silence or feedback

--Have you spent enough time worshipping with other faith traditions to catch the every pastor / choir director conflict ever?

--Listen to the two mamas? What is the same. What is different.

--Can you find the woman in the African American Church lady hat. RantWoman could not find it on her phone, but it's definitely there if one has a big enough screen and enough magnification.

--RantWoman is certain the world needs a whole separate blog post about names, Zoom, accessibility software and alternate weird options suggested in retreats. Stay tuned.

--Proselytizing? Anyone have ideas how the proselytizing shows up? Is it Proselytizing?

This great clip came to RantWoman freighted with  a comment about why every Zoom meeting should be locked down. Autocorrect grabbed hold of a reply and rendered "Religions are supposed to prioritize (Yes, EVEN QUAKERS in our own try to live what we believe" way need to proselytize) Licking down Zoom meetings is not the point."

FWIW, "the Zoom machine" displays a couple different technical difficulties and the number of worshippers balloons by the end, but RantWoman does not particularly see any issues that would be fixed by locking down the meeting. On the contrary, locking down the meeting would probably get in the way of that Quaker THANG called "continuing revelation."

As for "licking down the Meeting," RantWoman has seen plenty of cats come to worship recently. RantWoman has been told that cats sometimes try to groom their humans by licking the same way they would each other. RantWoman's resident cat dominatrix, known on the internet as The Queen of Spades, definitely does this and in pandemic survival pet cuddles mode, RantWoman is very grateful. Perhaps that is enough said about licking.

So RantWoman definitely starts the day with a smile before wading into #ADA30, #ADA30InColor, #NFB20 and some other hashtags, about which stay tuned for more.

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