Sunday, October 20, 2019

A good Day to Pray

RantWoman this is God. Good day for praying. Faithful to your Light. Not too much rain. Trees still that half-dressed fall-color mix. Meetinghouse and environs showing much care.

Tell them no matter what your Light looks like next week, there will be the small matter of logistics: elevators, stop relocations, whatever is happening with the tunnel and Link.. YOu will be hanging with some of the prayer warriors and will be around in time for the memorial.

Also tell them, there are some paths of public right of way enroute to nearby bus stops.where RantWoman will choose the safest routes for her with respect to other locations she visits in the area and will not expect arguments!

RantWoman, this is STILL God. They are telling you they can't worship with you. That may or may not be true but they are not feeling heard. And they apparently cannot hear how much what they ARE doing matters. So making your point with drama and flair, not matter how many peope --including you--have been on both sides of such situations--is a leading to sit with CAREFULLY. Today, beside pain from not seeing people dear to you who are hard to connect wiht otherwise, weird anniversaries, RantBrother's birthday, the adrenaline rush momento clothing ... But, let's try not to overdo it

RantWoman, this is still God. It is okay to be creeped out by the we only want to talk to RantWoman at memorials about Dead people reaction. It is YOUR reaction. Who cares what others think? So you do not think going to memorials is the magnaimous gesture others think it is?  Can anyone see, why the only memorials rule CREEPS RantWoman out?

RantWoman's confessor:

--Praying a problem in the Religious Society of Friends? who knew.

--Umm well, there would be the RantWoman factor....

--But seriously, you haven't been pushing anyone down stairs and laughing maniacally have you?

--No pushing down stairs. And Ambassador Thwack has not gone all percussive pedagogy on any errant vehicles in crosswalks lately. LOTS of email though. (urk!) Lots of poorly worded email. Needing to take up space but not needing to hurt people in the process.  I have learned at least sometimes to let email sit overnight. and I would rather paths to conflict resolution then endless data on need for...

RantWoman, this is god. I'm still here.You are being faithful to your Light. That is as much as you can do. Keep doing it.

In Light and faithfulness

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