Saturday, October 7, 2017

Three Things

"RantWoman, tell us what three things can we do to make Meeting better for you as a blind person?"

The latest earnest face surveying the Blindness Tourism itinerary

1. Realize it's not going to be three things. It will be something different every day. So if you want the serious Planet RantWoman tour, be prepared to walk alongside whatever comes along. RantWoman did not make it to Quarterly Meeting. This was because RantWoman was ata hackathon interacting with matters of walking alongside in the literal physical sidewalks and stairs and elevators sense.

2. Stop doing lovely helpful gestures in Adult Ed for an hour and then turning around and helping gaslight RantWoman for another hour.

3. How about getting crazy and demonstrating willingness to serve on a committee with RantWoman. Probably RantWoman should just have her head examined and maybe the thought of book group would be fine too.

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