Saturday, September 20, 2014

The last fuzzy-edged scribblings

RantWoman isn't your brain back from Annual Session YET?

Think of it as RantWoman cleaning some fuzzy-edged papers out of her purse / RantWoman bag
From before Annual Session:

"B-b-b-but he hasn't C-c-clerked anything before."
Turns out, knowing how to manage a room ful of first graders and help the crowd have a good time a bluegrass festival are GREAT preparation for clerking plenaries. And yes, that should summon thoughts of entering the Kingdom of Heaven as a child and RantWoman does not care at all whether that might be too much God / Bible for some people.

RantWoman wrote about how awesome her shower was last year. RantWoman was in a different building this year but the shower in her shared suite was equally magnificent. RantWoman has a perfectly adequate shower at home but does not mind at all getting to appreciate the gap between adequate and fabulous once in awhile.

Family Affordability:
At RantWoman's Meeting, discussion of Family Affordability occurred at a Meeting for Business where few people had context to evaluate some of the issues. We gathered what data we could based on the questionnaire but there was a sense of some voices not present in the conversation. At Annual Session RantWoman spoke with Friends from other Meetings who had a similar concern. In retrospect, though RantWoman was happy to let the Family Affordability Committee mostly work without her, it might have been good to hold an interest group about it at Annual Session to see what ideas fed upon each other from people being in the same room together.

RantWoman has different accessibility issues than Endless Accessibility Advocate Friend. Endless Accessibility Advocate Friend, a wheelchair user, was not fond of the most recent Annual Session venue. Endless Accessibility Advocate Friend passed away a few months ago. RantWoman indulged in a few minutes wondering "why are we back here?" On top of that, this year there was construction. There was woe. There was irritation. And you know what:
1. After about the first day together, everyone decided to stop complaining and just celebrate being together.
2. RantWoman made some mental notes about things to pay more attention to next year.
3. Bridge City Friends captured the spirit brilliantly for Community Night.

One interesting Child-themed Datum:
RantWoman listend to the report by age group of people attending and people attending for the first time. A large percentage of Friends in younger age groups were attending for the first time. But only a couple of the 30 or so high school age, Junior Friends were attending for the first time.

Northwest Yearly Meeting
Many NPYM Friends attended NWYM Annual session or held in Light. So even though the Family Affordability Committee never made it onto a plenary agenda, RantWoman was glad for time to hear reports back that sexuality the issue Friends were dividing about is being held in care for 5 years without more planned discussion in that interval, and that sentiments among Friends are considerably more varied and supportive that are sometimes framed.
Minute to end the Authorization to Use Military Force:
RantWoman is really glad Annual Session was able to support FCNL and unite about this minute. RantWoman admits to wondering whether Friends will do anything more about this minute than nod quickly in passing in plenary.

Closing Worship:
RantWoman continues to reflect about the dance between the social good of marijuana legalization and the challenges of substance abuse. RantWoman thinks it would be just awesome and terrific if some of the revenue stream from legalization in WA were to be used to help fund more badly needed mental health services and spiritual care. Hold that thought in the Light.

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