Saturday, February 8, 2014

Terrorist Toothpaste? Terrorized?

RantWoman offers the above item in light of numerous items in multiple media outlets about the possibility of people flying into Sochi in conenction with the Olympics and making bombs  in toothpaste tubes.

RantWoman is not prepared to dispute the possibility of wily terrorists managing to make explosives inside whatever containers are permitted in aircraft cabins.

HOWEVER, RantWoman finds herself A LITTLE BIT wondering whether the NSA has been reading the right email or tapping the right phones. Perhaps RantWoman is just being easily led astray, but Rantwoman is trying to figure out why people from the US would be particular targets, why if one were determined to commit heinous acts inconnection with the Sochi Olympics, one would try to do it from airports overseen byt the TSA.

RantWoman offers the reflections above along with solemn prayers that good feelings and human connections will flourish in spite of all the corruption and international chicanery and environmental depradation and parading hither and thither about homosexuality.. Pray and Pray again!

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