Saturday, June 29, 2013

Hashtags of the Week

RantWoman MIGHT just go download a pendle Hill Pamphlet called On Being Present Where You are from the free Pendle Hill pamphlets in PDF site. RantWoman MIGHT do that. OR RantWoman might just Rant and ramble:

RantWoman is once again attending multiple events from the proximity of her cat, the Queen of Spades, and her Twitter feed.

RantWoman wholeheartedly endorses holding FGC gathering west of the Mississippi from time to time. RantWoman gave thought to attending #fgc13 but did not.

Nor is RantWoman chatting up #marriageequality at #BPI13 even though #BPI13 is a really good reason RantWoman would be more likely to go to #acb13 than to #nfb13. RantWoman gets to be happy enough having seeded #marriageequality conversations at #BPI13 with a few selected links about #marriageequality in WA and in the process to have heard really nice voices from WA speak highly of #bpi13.

But as long as we are talking about #acb13 and #nfb13, RantWoman would like, HOPEFULLY in politer terms to restate a concern from a recent post  about #quakers and #accessibility of Quaker-generated print

Look, RantWoman understands that the world of publishing and ebooks and getting content into everyone's devices is kind of brutal for everyone, not just blind people. RantWoman understands that meeting the needs of blind people is not a slam dunk. RantWoman would so like to have concise and centered tips to help. Instead RantWoman has, for today, one interesting blog link,  and a sincere hope that all those #quakers at QUIP and otherwise will begin to think about this. See RantWoman knows a lot of blind people. Some of them would probably be interest in #quakers. Some of them are actually better grounded and centered than RantWoman. (That is not hard right now.)

Meanwhile, the Queen of Spades thanks RantWoman for not leaving town THIS weekend. Just you wait. The Queen of Spades came to live with RantWoman before #fgc09 on a catsit. The Queen of Spades arrived with rumors that she would disappear for 3 days, but RantWoman lucky-guessed how to find her kitty nose about 3 hours after she arrived; both RantWoman and the Queen of Spades seem grateful though the Queen of Spades has peculiar ways of showing it. Fortunately, RantWoman will close without going to dig up some hashtag for #psychokitty.

Warmest wishes to everyone travelling and gathering under the above hashtags this week.

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