Saturday, November 13, 2010


RantWoman heartily applauds this treatment of Advent. RantWoman particularly appreciates that a meditation about the peculiarities of Quaker traditions with respect to anything that might hint of a liturgical calendar appears now, before the red and green sugar and ktischy jingle bells supplant orange and brown sugar and the plastic witches and goblins on RantWomans rant prop list

RantWoman dawdled about posting this and red and green sugar are all about. RantWoman is feeling she is supposed to be grateful for nearly unending caloric excess in this season. RantWoman thinks, in light of certain pickup events this year, that she is supposed to be especially RantMom's presence among us. RantWoman IS deeply grateful for both and would absolutely love to be grateful for RantMom even without caloric excess and without, at every familial round of caloric excess having to plan the next of the birthday / holiday / more birthdays / more holidays circuit. Right now RantWoman is praying for the right words about this!

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