Thursday, October 7, 2010

Compassion Fried

Voice of the Day: John E. Biersdorf08-19-2010
Compassion is expressed in gentleness. When I think of the persons I know who model for me the depths of the spiritual life, I am struck by their gentleness … They are gentle because they have honestly faced the struggles given to them and have learned the hard way that personal survival is not the point. Their caring is gentle because their self-aggrandizement is no longer at stake. There is nothing in it for them. Their vulnerability has been stretched to clear-eyed sensitivity to others and truly selfless love.
- John E. Biersdorffrom Healing of Purpose

RantWoman started this post a very good while ago and has NO idea where she was being led with the title; RantWoman feels called to leave it as originally written.

RantWoman is going to leave the title as is and include a reference to an article called "Survival of the Kindest" in a local Buddhist publication called Shambala Sun.

RantWoman recommends her readers put the strings here into the search engine of their choice. RantWoman is also interested in the article but when she went looking, her trail took her to some internetnetherworld: RantWoman can tell there is content there but RantWoman in the time she had at first read could not tell whether her problems interacting with the content are because of bad accessibility practices on the website or because RantWoman is a bit of a cluck, an enthusiastic practitioner of trial and error but basically a cluck about many features of her accessibility software. Sigh.

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