Monday, March 8, 2010

Women hold up half the sky

RantWoman sincerely hopes everyone will wish the women they love a Happy International Women's Day. RantWoman means to meditate later about the meaning of this holiday and faith and a few related questions.

RantWoman is a woman of good intentions; in the meantime, here is a wonderful link on the theme:

For the record, last night RantWoman's ferrener husband of the thoroughly convoluted relationship and complicated history already sent RantWoman an email with the customary greeting.

The customary greeting makes RantWoman smile kind of the same way men in some Latin American countries whistling at every woman they see does. In some contexts, the greeting and the whistling come from people who are outrageous boors a lot of the rest of the time, but equal opportunity, all ages and shapes greetings and whistling is somehow refreshing.

RantWoman supposes at some point she will have to pen her more finely-grained and acerbic thoughts about the testimony on equality among Friends. For the time being, RantWoman will simply record her travels among folk of many fewer pretensions.

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