Sunday, October 18, 2009

Compost, Interesting

RantWoman wishes to acknowledge that she explicitly intends a number of blog entries to be an experiment in blog-assisted seasoning and discernment related to the conflict between herself and Dear Friend. This is NOT a guaranteed slam-dunk success on multiple grounds and RantWoman expects to have to do much additional seasoning, discernment, rediscernment, worship, talking on the phone, and prayer.

One aspect of the problem RantWoman will speak to only obliquely in her blog is some difficult moments where she has tried to elder Dear Friend, her counterpart as catalyst in the current conflict. RantWoman is quite tender--and also vexed--about the mixed success of these moments and some additional thinking she is for the moment simply seasoning further. RantWoman also acknowledges an ideal world thought that both parties might at different times in different situation elder each other. Let us just say, RantWoman is going to leave both ideal world thoughts and the exact nature of sensitive topics addressed to her readers' imagination while attempting carefully to provide options for others to look at as much as RantWoman feels comfortable speaking of in her blog.

In the meantime, RantWoman promised several Friends there will be material from RantWoman's views of her travails fairly directly. RantWoman is sometimes good at making a problem complicated. Also this conflict is going to unfold over time and blog entries. RantWoman is tender about the snapshot in time aspect of blog entries. However, these entries need a single tag to allow such readers as might want to read the whole series in sequence separate from the firehose of other entries.

For readers new to blogdom, if you click on the link with the term Compost, you will see the whole series in reverse chronological order with newest entries first.

DearFriend at times speaks of a deceased husband before using the word husband in his context was nearly as widely thought about as now. (Technically, one supposes that an absense of official spiritual community formal blessing might make this common-law-husband but that is WAY too much specificity and the more important point is this man's abiding place in Dear Friend's heart.) Husband worked for a florist. Dear Friend talks of deceased husband grumbling about customers who asked him to do something "interesting" for ridiculously little money. Dear Friend reports that beloved partner would say "Interesting? A pile of manure with a daisy on top would be Interesting!" RantWoman knows basically one thing to do with such manure: compost it! Moreover, RantWoman is prepared to be honest about her own probable contribution of compostible material. Hence the tag of these entries: Compost!

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