Saturday, March 2, 2024

More modest remembrance of Asia Bennett than this weeks farewells to Alexei Navalny

#WomensHistoryMonth #WomensHistoryMonth2024

Bus shelter with intact windows and almost NO GRAFFITTI.
This bus stop near Meeting was in remarkably good condition today,
especially compared to many past visits
documented in passing in this blog.
RantWomanblames cellphone oopses
for lack of a more topical photo

Today was Asia Bennett's memorial. 

Asia Bennett Seattle Times Obituary

Asia Bennett Seattle Times Obituary

Thematic comments:

1. For a faith tradition founded on the equality of Women, (see Margaret Fell) and credited historically with important connections to suffrage movements, only in the 20th century was Asia credited with being "the first woman to..." for a number of different Quaker organizations. Asia spent the early part of her career working in childcare. Her family's bio reported that she at some point noted how much dealing with toddlers--and their parents--prepared her for the many different leadership and personnel roles she took on within various Quaker organizations.

[RantWoman sometimes carries around in her head thoughts such as "a woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle." When RantWoman observes long-lasting marriages where deep love is obvious, though, RantWoman also firmly believes in supporting the partnership behind leaders so special Light and appreciation for Lee, Asia's husband of almost 77 years.] 

2. LOTS of people talked about Asia's capacity to listen. RantWoman meant particularly to note Vanessa Julye's comment about Asia's role in supporting Vanessa's early steps in the work of addressing racism within the Society of Friends. These thoughts did not make it out of RantWoman's mouth as a message in worship. They WILL be part of thoughts in another post only hinted at here.

3. LOTS of people commented about how Asia asking a question helped direct them toward or away from different forms of witness: aiming for revolution vs getting married, accepting AFSC staff vote to unionize consideration that the organization had a decades-long commitment to supporting unions, engagement about diversity with out LGBT Friends.

4. RantWoman admits to a little bit of frustration about mention of issues in days of yore with scant thought that some of those same issues are very much still throbbing, sometimes in new, highly mutated forms in the life of the world. One of Asia's gifts to the world is to plant seeds for helping new generations find paths among these challenging realities.

5. Inclosing,possibly weird advice to young people new to Friends: GO TO MEMORIALS. Even if you barely know the deceased and are afraid of not knowing a soul from your own generation, GO TO MEMORIALS. Learn. Okay, Asia famously told someone awed by Quaker weddings "oh wait until you see the memorials."

Techie notes.

1. RantWoman has special tirades related to memorials and visits UFM intermittently. Today aside from the bus shelter in LOVELY condition, . the visit revealed QR codes???? RantWoman loves the pblishers of Truth in whatever is the medium of the day. RantWoman is just not sure about QR codes on info sheets on a bulletin . board.RantWoman hopes the QR codes do what is intended. She also hopes the bar codes do not scare away people annoyed by bar codes or by the implication that one must be fluent in particular technologies to be a good Quaker.

2. Even at in-person events, RantWoman LOVES, LOVES, Loves signing into Zoom on her phone with audio disconnected in order not to interfere with room sound. RantWoman just LOVES knowing who all is on the Zoom. (RantWoman kind of means to experiment about these issues on other video conferencing platforms. 

3. RantWoman definitely appreciates evolution and continuing revelation about the world of movable mics and Room amplification in the world of hybrid / blended Zoom meetings. RantWoman also tartly remembers the first incarnation of a UFM committee on disabilities: there was a survey. There were minimal requests of the surveyors in Meeting for Business from anyone, alas including RantWoman. But great success was noted because of the next iteration of efforts to ensure that people, such as Asia, with hearing loss, could hear better. RantWoman has no desire to minimize these efforts. However, RantWoman CONTINUES TO TAKE SERIOUS ISSUE with the limitations of that as an approach to addressing matters of disability.

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