Sunday, February 21, 2021

Praying for you Lauren Boebert

RantWoman has been feeling a need to stage some kind of electronic protest against the continual eruption of partisan bilge disrespect and dogwhistles aimed at different politicians. Has RantWoman mentioned that she is into praying across differences? RantWoman just was not clear about who was to be the beneficiary of this nonconsensual praying over? RantWoman decided to await signs.

Parallel with that, in some Quaker circles it has become customary to make some kind of acknowledgment of which First Nations resided on the lands where one is located before settlers came. Recently questions have come up about what is the point. RantWoman deeply appreciates people taking the time to learn a little history they probably were not taught in school. And when RantWoman is on Zoom events with many people from Seattle, ancestral homeland of the Duwamish and Coast Salish peoples, RantWoman sometimes invokes the historical residents of CO or MT where she has previously lived; there is a stewardship of family resources thought behind this practice as well. Briefly, RantWoman thinks mere expressions of gratitude are probably not all people should be doing as reparations for centuries of oppression. Here RantWoman offers a digression about a training program in Canada. Hollyhock: Blind spot and blankets infected with smallpox

Recently while listening to news accounts of the shenanigans of recently elected Rep Lauren Boebert, R-CO3 RantWoman realized that Ms. Boebert probably represents the part of CO where the RantFamily lived for 10 years, the part of CO where RantMom still has many many cousins. Out onto the internet RantWoman flew to one of those look up your representative sites. RantWoman punched in the RantFamily's former street address. 

Sure enough! If the RantFamily still lived at that address in CO, most of RantWoman's immediate family would have voted against her but she would still be our elected representative. Hark. A sign. Never mind that no one in the RantFamily has lived in that part of CO in decades. Never mind whether nonconsensual praying over can be seen as a problematic step on the slippery slope toward forced conversion.

For now, RantWoman will simply begin collecting media clips, sometimes with brief but tart commentaries. To everyone who argues that RantWoman should not be propagating violent disruptive media moments, RantWoman observes that having enough of a readership stampede even in a tiny way to rival all the rest of Ms. Boebert's media presence would be a good problem to have.

Lord Have Mercy.

Fox News report on Boebert's plans to concealed carry

Rep. Boebert is the youngest person, the first woman, and the first mother (of 4 preschool age boys, not less) to represent this district.

Mr. and Mrs. Boebert live in Silk CO and operate a restaurant called The Shooter's Grill in a town truly and honestly called Rifle CO.

Lauren Boebert Congressional Webpage 

with church worked with women in jail about re-entry 

Visited the Pueblo Chemical Depot, some relation to a treaty.

Lauren Boebert Wikipedia page

Reference to various minor legal scrapes, some of which she has not responded to.

ABC news Report Open Carry at Lauren Boebert's restaurant in Rifle CO

RantWoman has skipped over Ms. Boebert providing tours of the Capitol to large groups of visitors in the days leading up to January 6.

RantWoman has skipped over the subject of guns in the House of Representatives chamber.

Oops. No. A video clip of a hearing involving among other things Ms. Boebert's second amendment rights

Hearing about guns and committee service

RantWoman is going to TRY not to let every classist alarm bell in her head clang over the fact that Ms. Boebert dropped out of high school because she was pregnant and only finished her GED while running for Congress. HOWEVER, her argumentation practices would have benefited from some honing in say high school debate.

Another clip of the Natural Resources Committee hearing about guns

but "...on January 6, the Speaker was swept away while we all were left here defenseless.."

and it's hiJABS not hiJeebs.

Can anyone think of reasons Ms. Boebert would NOT need praying over?

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