Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Watched so readers don't have to: The Fight for the Soul of Seattle | A KOMO News Documentary

What if we just t-t-taxed the r-rich????

What's a RantWoman to do, post this here for #DefundThePolice Friends to chew on or post on RantWoman's blog where the phrase "What if we just tax the rich?" might be too incendiary.

This is a documentary about homelessness, addiction, mental illness. Police are tired of "Catch and Release." One judge got into trouble for sending someone to prison where there was no more help for drug addiction than there is outside prison but at least the person is not harming society.

This is the sort of dire documentary KOMO, now owned by Sinclair broadcasting, is famous for. RantWoman watched it as a public service. RantWoman also took advantage of blind person interest in YouTube's fairly new faster playback option in settings. Probably people would have sounded less breathless at 1x instead of 1.5x normal playback speed. But RantWoman would not have been able to tolerate elevated blood pressure and desire to throw things long enough to make it through the whole episode at normal speed.

What strikes RantWoman:

--There were several instances of multiple systemic failures. With the exception of one or two families, everyone was white.

--If someone experiencing mental health issues is denied services THREE times by the same mental health facility, why WOULDN'T tragedy result?

--There is NO Mention of fiscal and taxation realities in WA. To wit:
   --RantWoman would need a research assistant to provide precise information about how badly the social safety net has been hacked away in WA over the last several decades. 

   --WA has the most regressive tax structure in the country. At a certain point, if one is trying to get all of one's revenues from the bottom income categories, one might as well try to get blood from a turnip.  Services are not provided because there is no money to pay for them. What if certain journalists would cut back on the hand-wringing and maybe start trying to contribute insights about money matters?

There. Enough. Watch the video if you must.

In Light and Faithfulness.


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