Sunday, August 9, 2020

Toward Right Relationship with Indigenous Peoples: Pendle Hill Webinar series

 First the meat of the announcement:

Pendle Hill hosting a 6-session webinar series called "Working Toward a Right Relationship with Indigenous Peoples."

    Working Toward Right Relationship with Indigenous peoples

The webinar series begins Monday August 10 at 4:30 PDT and continues for the second and fourth Mondays of August, September and October. There is a charge and options to apply for financial aid. For further information about what sounds like a wonderful series, please click on the link above.

Now a mix of celebrations and a whines with Literature Brain running amok in several probably poorly edited directions!

The Pendle Hill website ROCKS. RantWoman is so happy when Quaker publishers of Truth embrace continuing revelation and make good thoughtful--and ACCESSIBLE to RantWoman--use of the media of the day.

Now a WHINE: RantWoman would happily post this TIME-SENSITIVE ANNOUNCEMENT to her Meeting's email list.  Instead the desire to post and the proscription of posting become one more dang piece of data for...

For the record, RantWoman herself probably will not attempt to fit what sounds like a wonderful series into her schedule. Instead, RantWoman will:

--Try again to read the book she got off BARD about the Battle of the Little Bighorn, also known as the Custer Battle. RantWoman could begin by remembering the name of the author and noting that the book is probably long out of print but that for some reason it got recorded by the National Library Service (BARD). The bok is primary source research as in a historian who spoke several of the languages used by the tribes involved conducted interviews with people who witnessed or participated in the battle. The other point that sticks in RantWoman's brain: one dynamic of the battle was that the Crow nation was at that point cooperating with the US Army.

Blue red and white t-shirt: The Language they were forbidden to speak is the language that saved this nation.

--Say a little more about her leading to wear her Navajo Code Talkers T-shirt to the FLGBTQC worship where she learned of the Pendle Hill webinar series above. 

To quote the T-shirt, the language they were forbidden to speak is the same language that saved this nation." RantWoman thinks the T-shirt text might be a tiny bit over the top. The Code Talkers certainly were an important factor in military success in the Pacific, but they could not have saved the nation all by themselves without a whole lot of teamwork. 

Nevertheless, as the US and Japan mark the 75th anniversary of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it seemed like a good day when the Code Talkers T-shirt emerged from RantWoman's wardrobe, just to put the shirt on and embrace whatever comes next. A meditation on War, Peace, Collaboration perhaps?

And speaking of War and Peace, RantWoman was grateful in a breakout room with Friends from the East Coast to hear nice mention of a wonderful Friend RantWoman's age who RantWoman knew because of shared activities in the 1980's. Yeah Quaker persistence!

There is still time to sign up for the rest of the series, one webinar at a time, so GO FOR IT.

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