Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Seattle #CovidPalooza?

 Holy Jayzus. Lord Have Mercy. WTF-ever is a RantWoman to do?


Friends committed to praying together across differences were one of the things that impressed RantWoman very much when she was new to worshipping among, as opposed to public ministry / advocacy alongside Quakers. RantWoman thinks there would be a lot to be said about this concept in the Puget Sound in general and among local Quakers in particular. RantWoman has abundant evidence in her email archives in the Quaker case.

However, RantWoman is a very Bad Friend. However much RantWoman thinks the praying across differences thing would be an awesome idea that seriously needs further well-grounded consideration, RantWoman is not doing so well herself and RantWoman's struggles with this concept need to be held in the Light.


The Russian all-women punk band Pussy Riot has a lyric about "Mother of God, Blessed Virgin, Drive Putin Away." RantWoman has an assortment of quite piquant potential song lyrics in similar vein with respect to #POTUS45. For instance RantWoman sends sincere condolences to former GOP Presidential candidate Herman Cain. Cain was part of the #Coronapalooza tour to Tulsa a few weeks ago. Shortly after he fell ill with #Covid19 and recently died. RantWoman keeps wanting to say "See, see, some hoax there!" Mostly, Lord, bless us and keep us and make thy face to shine upon us and PLEASE DELIVER ME from all such inappropriate prayers.

This past weekend, RantWoman and Seattle have been blessed with another opportunity to witness in similar vein.

Preacher from CA comes to Seattle to worship and Pray at Cal Anderson Park

Those gathered did not wear masks. RantWoman: okay, have it your way but don't say you haven't been warned. Voices in the newspaper wonder why no one  from this worship experience has been arrested for not wearing masks. To be fair, no one has been arrested merely for not wearing masks at any recent protest event whether #BlackLivesMatter, #BlueLivesMatter or the "we had to come all the way from CA to pray because we did not think to talk to anyone in Seattle" crowd.

RantWoman is unclear why this individual felt called to worship in Seattle and in particular why he was not called to urge his flock to mask up. RantWoman thinks it would be perfectly reasonable for there to be some kind of ongoing interfaith prayer witness with masks and social distancing; RantWoman feels no capacity to organize such but if an invitation found its way to her, RantWoman would be very likely to show up. Rantwoman just does not hink Seattle should need to import people from CA to pray!

RantWoman also did not go looking for this ad. It got served up alongside the article above. RantWoman expected to make exactly 0 purchases and to spend exactly $0 based on this ad. However, RantWoman is both touched and appalled by the vast selection of kitsch available here. .

Keep Liberals off your Lawn Garden Gnome Bless us O lord and deliver us also from fascination with this evil kitsch!

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