Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Tactile turkey, blessed, forgiven? pardoned?


RantDad would be 85 today except he died just past 60, 3 days after RantWoman's birthday the next summer.

Before Sunday RantWoman had never before heard RantMom reminisce about her Meet the Parent thanksgiving journey with some other teachers to WY from MT to meet the Righteous Reverend future RantGrandad.  Checking calendar, that would have been 60 years ago this year. RantMom said the future RantGranddad at first just made some kind of a joke about her first name. Apparently the future RantGrandDad did have one career suggestion: RantDad should become an undertaker. RantWoman and rantMom agree, um, no!

RantWoman wonders what else there is to tell.

RantWoman could also try to probe about what if anything registered about the future Rant Granddad and the family eye conditions. RantMom says RantDad just barreled ahead anyway. This probably would be RantDad in charismatic engaging mode.
The original image: stylized turkey that shows wing and tail feather and wattle detail

Digression about Turkey See When RantWoman gets too neurotic at the Friendly neighborhood Center for Extreme Computing sometimes she calms herself down by making topical tactile art (RantWoman has heard the word anxiety from multiple directions in this vein. RantWoman is working on that issue.). RantWoman had already found one turkey image she would not make tactile are from. RantWoman did not want a roasted turkey image. RantWoman wanted something that could at least explain unique turkey features. So here we are.

Back to RantDad. One of Quaker Honorary Auntie's gifts was just seeing and naming that, um, eye stuff things were a LOT more difficult on the vision front than anyone wanted to admit.

RantWoman is going to remember RantDad just by recycling a few blog posts.
Happy Fathers'Day 2018

Oh, hell. Put RantDad into the Search bar and choose your own dang slice of the material or just take your chances with the Srort by relevance button.

Or in honor of the horrible coincidence of RantDad's birthday and Blind Roommate's fatal bus accident, look for the points where they crossed paths because RantDat and Blind Roommate really hit it off over music.

RantWoman is still working off the need for various strands of therapy. RantWoman does NOT feel like lingering in that space for a birthday celebration except foragain and again blessing RantBrother for at least once dragging RantDad into therapy.

RantWoman still feels thrills over the Thanksgiving Day flight to MT 25 years ago. Congratulations by the way to Little Sister and brother in Law on 25 years together. Just the surprise on RantDad's face when RantWoman came in the door was worth the whole trip and Thanksgiving is actually not a terrible day to fly.

And finally one of these days RantWoman will summon the right level of coherent thought to expand on thoughts for forgiveness via a requiem mass, the Dies Irae (wrath of God) followed by all is magically forgiven. RantWoman thinks this approachcan be pretty cathartic, but it does not necessarily solve the communications problems where amends need to be made in human terms not just divine everything goes poof all better now. But enough for now.

In Light and Faithfulness.


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