Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Alternate formats, exasperated shrieking optional

Alternate Formats: the tip of an iceberg

RantWoman is meditating about "alternate formats," non-print ways of accessing information In connection with various Quaker matters RantWoman has email in her inbox about the following:

--QuakerSpeak videos, one of RantWoman's recurring non-print go-to's when talking to people curious about Quakerism. Stay tuned for other riffs from this info stream.

--Hallelujah. Praise Jesus. Manifest whatever gratitudes neededas exuberanltly as possible: NPYM Faith and Practice is now online in a format RantWoman can actually deal with without all kinds of electronic standing on her head. Even better, part of the reason is someone else mentioned eBooks and even possibly in the future Audio! Not only is RantWoman not the only freak on the planet who needs this stuff, but there is that continuing revelation and Quaker materials in the media of this century and able to reach Friends of the electronic age.

--"For this workshop we will of course provide large print ..copy machine...." Friend, thank you so much for thinking of me, but in this case if you wait for me to ask for what works for me, life will be much easier. In the meantime, RantWoman will think about how to address items that really are not available in electronic format, as well as the option of suggesting some options that ARE available in electronic format.

Refuses to change

RantWoman is meditating about an item from the newsletter about "RantWoman refuses to change her behavior." RantWoman is trying to be faithful to her Light as kindly as possible. RantWoman truthfully does not understand what behaviors a certain Care and Accountability Committee was hoping to change, whether or not it is in her Light to do so for instance if the Care and Accountability Committee repeatedly claims their charge does not include dealing with disability for a Friend with a disability, and whether she can in fact do as desired. So far, RantWoman's sense of integrity keeps hitting full stops.

One full stop: RantWoman is pretty sure there are some behaviors Friends would prefer she NOT change.

The same information as everyone else: testimony on equality?

Consider a quest awhile ago for a presentation handout in electronic format. The persentation was part of Meeting's annual educational effort related to sexual abuse awareness. RantWoman forgot to ask in advance but afterward inquired whether the workshop handout was avillable in electronic format. No. However, RantWoman got two email responses to her quest for access to the same content as everyone else. One Friend had torn up the handout and thrown it away but offered to retrieve it, tape it back together and scan it. Ummmm, aside from the technical difficulties likely from this approach, RantWoman found herself wonering, um Friend, you are on a pastoral care committee (and the Care and Accountability committee as well). RantWoman might hope these roles mean you have some sense of what is needed for community resources, and since the topic of the workshop sometimes makes RantWoman's head explode due to issues in her own family, RantWoman will just be breathing deeply for a good long time so she does not break out in shrieking or have her head explode. RantWoman has practice about  head  NOT exploding issues around this Friend. Shrieking from said experience optional?

Another younger Friend who is NOT on a pastoral care committee had the handout and access to a scanner. and the document was shortly in RantWoman's email inbox. OCR capabilities are now built into lots of screen reading software,and it was fine. RantWoman had access to the same content as everyone else. The content in question a checklist of indicators someone may have been abused is probably available lots of ways on the internet, but the POINT of shared experience is everyone having access to the same content.

RantWoman wrote back thanks but no thanks for the tape together offer and profuse thanks for the option that got her the material. RantWoman assumes Friends would NOT prefer that she add more shrieking to the Friend with the tape it together offer?


Late-breaking news: RantWoman realized she should add another moment to these meditations, another rant related to being creeped out by a sense RantWoman gets from some Friends that she is much too freaky to talk to about life now as opposed to life in the past. At a recent memorial, the Subcommittee on Interpersonal violence came up. This subcommittee as created when the person RantWoman sometimes refers to as teh Safest Sex Offender ont the planet first came to the UFM community, with a stop along the way for one of RantWoman's several Hospitality Committee / Coffee Hour is pastoral care plus knives and hot liquids moments.. Find tangled narrative and RantWoman's reflections on this blog tagged "Safest." 

One of the things the Subcommittee on Interpersonal Violence did was creat a big thick notebook of printed resources from the ear related to sexual assault, trauma recover, and other topics the community collided with while supporting one offender's treatment program, caring for people surviving their own experiences of sexual assault and educating ourselves and our children about safety, empowerment. Repeat: in print. From now almost two decades ago..Oh, yes, and the next increment of electronic presentation was, when the offender's various legal obligations expired, to scan all the materials in the notebook and put them online as one big file. RantWoman has looked at the file but not recently.
RantWoman expects that some of the material might be out of date but NO, RantWoman did not shriek about everything on her mind when the notebook came up at a potluck. One Friend who had served on said subcommittee as being her usual plainspoken forthright self about how the committee work resonated with her life experiences. She was also gushing about having the notebook online but somehow, maybe it was the curried chicken, RantWoman decided that that particular audience was probably not the best place for her current resource concerns.

For no reason RantWoman feels compelled to explain, places to start for resources:



In light and Faithfulness.


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