Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Palm Sunday minus pipe organ after party at the House of Silencing

Ah the multitudinous membership of the Still Didn’t Get the Memo Committee on Email Immoderation, um besides RantWoman, a couple other likely candidates, and the authors of a statement about email among other things that RantWoman considers so silencing as to be dangerous, not to mention the moments below.


RantWoman sent 3 emails of note and a whole bunch for seasoning recently:


--One TRYING to reach out to a young friend who RantWoman has unintentionally hurt


--One suggesting that if someone gets email when RantWoman has hit reply/all to an email addressed to all members of a committee, it is not reasonable on either committee practicality or accessibility grounds to expect that RantWoman will be able or willing to go to a lot of extra trouble to delete one member of the committee. RantWoman made a number of technological suggestions to ease the trauma of this reality. RantWoman has heard no responses to her suggestions, and it occurs to RantWoman that other email list administration suggestions might be on point.


--A third email suggesting that it STILL is not reasonable to expect that all emails are going to be cheerful and fun to read for example because someone needs to speak of topics no one in a community is required to like but it MIGHT be reasonable to hope someone can deal kindly, appropriately with.


PLEASE hold these points in the Light.


RantWoman is very humbly grateful for various community tidings that came along with the following:



An actual snippet of an email to the community:




In case you are interested, this link contains the instructions for blocking emails.

First are instructions for blocking any email messages from a specific sender. However, this will not block you from getting the emails via "reply-all"s with the person in question.


To keep yourself out of an entire email thread that includes back-and-forth replies from several people, you need to additionally block all emails sent to [both you AND the other person]. Those instructions are also included.


Feel free to forward widely and edit the document as needed. If you find yourself getting frustrated, (Friend whose relationship with group emails needs to be held in the Light) and I are both able to help troubleshoot.


(Identity of sender omitted.)



What comes to RantWoman:


1.    Friend, what are you hoping to accomplish with this email?


2.    Do you realize that people who use other email services and who want to do this will need equivalent instructions based on their email services?


3.    I assume you realize that the second part of the suggestion may exclude those who use it from email they might actually want to read.


4.    RantWoman has other thoughts still seasoning.God is versatile. Enough said for now.


In Light and faithfulness




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