Saturday, December 16, 2017

That announcement: good intentions data

Offered without comment from our Weekly Bulletin:

 For many years we have been openly holding, at once, the community and worship needs of survivors of sexual abuse and past sexual offenders. While we are a safer place for children because of the awareness and education that this ministry has produced, we recognize that this ministry requires ongoing dialogue and engagement. If you have questions or concerns, we encourage you to talk to a member of the Care and Counsel Committee***. If you are a survivor of sexual abuse and would like to speak to someone in Meeting, please call (...). She can arrange times when she, or possibly others, can meet with you in a spirit of worship to hear concerns, share experience, or help discern what meeting resources might be appropriate to your needs. For more information, please see the yellow informational flyer on the bulletin board outside of the office.

The above is the good intentions.

RantWoman collects data about her Meeting and herself.

Before a previous year's workshop,  Friend whose Title RantWoman omits told RantWoman "GO talk to your Counselor" when RantWoman was expressing something about kids who cannot talk to their parents. Turns out, three other people in the workshop asked questions relevant to exactly that topic.

***Previously another committee, one RantWoman served on was also listed in this announcement. The name of the committee was removed from the announcement after RantWoman spent a whole year on the committee trying to get the clerk of that committee to do worship sharing about what it means when people tell you stuff. Okay, so that kind of worship-sharing is not, Not, NOT that particular Friend's gift

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