Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Wolf Howl of Meeting for Business

From Today's First Day Bulletin, reprinted verbatim, with RantWoman doing the best she can not to editorialize, noodle around about in a quarrelsom manner, suggest any alternate or supplemental readings, short-circuit anyone's direct line to the divine, become unblievably fixated on something or other, or blow away any possibility of shared understanding in a whirlwind of huffing and puffing and blowing down anyone's house of cards while being open to the wolf howl of God, the Holy Spirit moving like a tornado....., not to mention trying to think of the totality of the experience for everyone.

2--1--2015 Are our Meetings for Business held in the spirit of a Meeting for Worship in which we seek divine guidance for our actions in love and mutual forbearance? How well do our Meetings for Business lead to a corporate search for and revelation of God's truth? Reference: "In both meeting for worship and the meeting for business, guidance is sought from the Spirit of Truth and Life by whose operation the group is brought into love and unity...[and] practiced with considerable success for three centuries." "Persons who are dogmatic...and who go to the meeting determined to win acceptance of their opinions are exceedingly difficult to absorb.""Unity is always possible because the same Light of Truth shines in some measure in every human heart tending toward the same goal." Howard Brinton, Guide To Quaker Practice, 1993, pp. 37, 38,42, 43.

and further:
You are receiving the business meeting agenda and supporting documents a week earlier than usual. Our hope is that this additional time will allow you to share any questions or concerns about a particular item with the committee members who are bringing the item forward. This will enable us to be better informed and to turn more of our time in business meeting towards Spirit-led discernment. If you are confused about any item, or have a concern, please reach out to the committee clerks during these days beforehand, in person or via email or phone. This is an experiment Coordinating Committee is trying from February until June, and we look forward to exploring what impact this additional preparation time may have on the weight and depth of our meetings for business.

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