Monday, December 17, 2012

NeuroDiversity, Songs, worship for Dead Children

Barclay was an idiot. RantWman recognizes that silent worship is powerful and that spiritual soil well-tilled  bears fruit with expectant waiting. . RantWoman also points out that silent worship may not at all meet the needs of some people and if Barclay had even the faintest concept of neuordiversity or cognitive diversity or even different paths of adaptation to one's enviornment  MAYBE he wouldhave eased up about paths to worship such as music.

Luckily RantWoman is not the only one who experiences continuing revelation.

This post is dedicated with heartfelt prayer not only to NewTown CT, but to our entire country. This includes everyone --especially RantWoman--who has trouble dealing  with some or another person with a disability.

A weird opener? Foreshadowing?
David Crowder band, Come Thou Found of Every Blessing

 Kindertotenlied with anti-war visuals.  In honor of troops with PTSC from causing death up close  OR from dispatching drones from thousands of miles away.

The entire Kindertotenlieder cycle, a naked url and no embed because the blog loads faster and other people care more aboutthe visualsthan I do.

The full text of Pres. Obama's speech including most of the names of those who died.

In Meeting for Worship, one message was about the shooter, Adam Lanza, being erased from media body counts. One video about Adam Lanza and his mother.

Okay, RantWoman noticed: THOSE PEOPLE, Adam and his mother both, are NUTS. RantWoman is confident there is God in there somewhere too, but at least for RantWoman, all those firearms the family owned definitely get in the way of detecting God.

RantWoman brings this up because RantWoman learned from her daily single standard of Truth diet of public radio  and preparation for Meeting for Worship that Adam Lanza, the shooter is autistic or has a learning disability, or some darn thing. A website called Wrong Planet was mentioned. RantWoman had time for little more.

Based on such Light as had arrived to RantWoman gave a message in Meeting for Worship about how there are millions of people living with autism and the vast majority never go shoot up a school but a lot of other people have no idea what might be going on in their heads and how sometimes something small, a small act of kindness or of missed communication can make a HUGE difference. RantWoman meant for a prayer that more people find the small things that make a big positive difference but is pretty sure she did not get there in Worship. Score one for a second crack at the full message if any more people with hearing loss ask RantWoman about her message.

RantWoman does not exactly apologize for commenting on the basis of the very limited info streams RantWoman consistently dabbles in from public radio. RantWoman just does not have as much capacity for grazing info streams as other people do. RantWoman is also blessed (?) with abundant willingness to open her mouth even if there is only vast ignoranceto back her up. RantWoman does not apologize for speaking from such Light as she had at the time, but THOSE PEOPLE WERE NUTS. MAYBE something small would make a difference. Maybe the community network together could have supported the family and contained their energies in loving ways before it boiled over in Rage. MAYBE an interior sense of Holy Spirit guiding might have stayed the shooter or pulled him back from the brink.
Or MAYBE part of the insanity is, as another blogger puts it, spending billions of dollars making more disabled people in other countries and not thinking about how spending a few pennies on services for the disabled people already here!

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