Thursday, February 2, 2012

Playing with Fire

RantWoman means some way or another to get around to something that, at least in the RantWoman long leaps of intuition and free association world, vaguely, somehow relates to Brigid. RantWoman remains frighteningly ignorant of Brigid but is not feeling shy about meditations on fire, smithcraft, what to do with stronger Light, and somewhere in here lambing.

RantWoman's points of departure:

RantWoman thinks even in modernity molten metal is a mystical experience. RantWoman thinks it must have seemed positively miraculous in the days of first harnessing fire with metal.

Light most definitely is returning to Seattle, but who/whatever is in charge of light conditions on Sunday mornings seems not to have gotten the memo. God is excelling at clouds, fog, blur, and GLARE. In other words, Sudoku weather.

Recently RantWoman was called to offer vocal ministry about causing consternation doing Sudoku in Meeting for Worship. Vocal ministry consisted mainly of Worse Auntie's views including "be glad you can see across the room to be bothered," "be glad if RantWoman doing Sudoku is the worst problem in your life," "what are those feelings trying to teach YOU?" and "do what your parents ask. It's parents' JOB to teach kids to do what is right in spite of what others around you are doing. But today RantWoman REALLY needs Sudoku." RantWoman was delighted when a Friend asked her afterward how RantWoman finds God in Sudoku.

Sunday, RantWoman was thinking about molten metal and not feeling called to add The State of the Union during Adult Ed. Instead, RantWoman went to her Meeting's library, found the print edition of Friends Journal and scraped her eyeballs across approximately 5 pages include articles by Stasa Morgan Appel, Micah Bales, and Noah Baker Merrill. RantWoman's head craved more; RantWoman's eyeballs were beyond screaming "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?"

RantWoman notes with modest appreciation that both Friends Journal and Friends Bulletin now offer electronic subscriptions. RantWoman has screamed through sample issues of both. RantWoman would not mind if the pdf's included headings so RantWoman could easily skip around instead of using her search bar. Whine. RantWoman hereby urges editors to work on this as they have time.

In the meantime, RantWoman is really, really grateful for people younger than her who get the issue of electronic text enough to offer a first effort. RantWoman pointedly contrasts that with some topics that are still noodling and oodling around in MONTHS of apologetic mumbling and process muddle. Ahhh, but RantWoman was unaware her soul needed more spiritual purification immersed in That of God in...

The bigger problem in the world of publishing economics: RantWoman's Meeting has a library. RantWoman would usually on both ecological and thrift grounds just go read at the library. RantWoman does not have funds to get her own electronic subscription and is meditating about questions she should just direct to her Meeting and these publications....

Finally, to readers who have made it this far and are wondering why the heck RantWoman couldn't skip the lead-in and go straight to the poetry, COPE. Life is not a destination; it's a journey. Why would RantWoman deprive you of part of the trip? What do you think this is, the airlines?


Our God of the bus
That of God in everyone
Sometimes too much God.

January Light
God showing up however
Sudoku weather

January Light
Sudoku weather again
try texting haiku

January Light
Sudoku weather again
try haiku in braille

January Light
Sudoku weather again
Braille stylus broken

Worship together
having holy communion
one voice at a time

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