Friday, July 5, 2024

Kamala? Kamala? Kamala! Derangement vs. Impairment (with Tim Miller) | The Focus Group Podcast

Wherein RantWoman makes a case for Kamala Harris that a little bit surprises herself AND will not resonate for lots of Quakers and Quaker Adjacent voters.

Watch the whole video because RantWoman's points react to points from the video that RantWoman has not spelled out well

And no dear readers, this blog is NOT going to turn into endless pro-democrat screeds. For one thing, RantWoman is at least as PO'ed at Democrats as at the #PartyOfFalsifiedBusinessDocuments. Party hacks are not going to save democracy by themselves. The cbest legal minds in the country are going to have, as much as possible, to dig us out of the mess wrought by the Supreme Court, and all of us have a role in cultivating hope, nurtuing the values we hold dear, and confronting violence and hatred as firmly as possible.

Look if Michelle Obama has such a huge draw, I am pretty sure that Kamala can do it. I also think she is in a great position to overcome some ugly divides that #FelonDon makes worse every way he can. It will take a lot of serious pushback about the rhetorical sludge that will come her way, but just overcoming that will also make her look stronger. I am a huge Michelle Obama fan, and if she wants to be Secretary of HUD or HHS, II think that would be fabulous, but right now Kamala is the strong Black woman who is ready for the big job. As for the prosecutor point: PERFECT to imagine a lifelong white crook getting what he deserves MIGHT be a a boost for anyone mad about unequal treatment of brown people. Trump skating should INFURIATE everyone. The prosecutor vibe could be really strong especially if there is also a need to clap back from the Supreme Court. In other words, Kamala prosecutor could be the PERFECT counterpart to #FelonDon. She doesn't even have to say "Lock him up." She can just say the trials need to play out and people deserve to know the facts. Also NO pardons for the #J6 terrorists. We will of course lots hear LOTS of "fake news" and "witch hunt" and "poor me" moaning about political persecution but I think she can push back and talk about doing law and order, prosecution RIGHT and quest to do better in contrast to "Lock her up" and the Muslim ban. After Dobbs, it would be REALLY nice to mobilize all the energy from the HUGE women's marches at the begin of the #DonTheCon reign of error. I don't know if low engagement voters would be ready to put all this together, and messaging would still be tricky, but the more I write, the more I think there are things to explore.

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