Friday, March 22, 2024

Redecorating Sen. Britt's kitchen.

    #SOTU #SOTU2024 #SOTUResponse


True Confession: RantWoman still has not watched President Biden's State of the Union address. RantWoman has seen enough clips at enough magnification to take note of Speaker Johnson's numerous facial contortions, even without any form of audible eyerolling. That said, RantWoman is still muddling around both Sen. Katie Britt's response and much commentary about her speech.

RantWoman is even indulging in a temptation to play political strategist.

For a reminder:

CBS Reporting and speech

RantWoman WILL have more to say below.

First, for a lot of RantWoman's complaints, see The Suburban Woman project

Some other comments

Against All Enemies: REpublicans screw themselves in one key voter segment

David Pakman: Katie Britt blames everyone but herself for disastrous speech

Commenting on a fundraising letter.

Blame the "Liberal left Media?"

--Uh, the speech was scorned all across the political spectrum.

They attacked my faith, my identity as a mother and a wife.

--Regarding faith, yup, a lot of the rest of the country views faith differently from the way it's seen in the Bible belt. One's faith, though, is very personal and should not depend on the slings and arrows of others. That said, if RantWoman were dressing Scarlett Johansen for an SNL parody bit, RantWoman would have considered giving her an even bigger cross than Sen. Britt wore. 

     On the other hand, if RantWoman were addressing hopes and fears of many different women in the US, RantWoman might use several different women explicitly of other faiths or of no faith BECAUSE many different women have hopes and fears in common. RantWoman is equal opportunity strategist because RantWoman can imagine both parties using the motif for their talking points.

--RantWoman does indeed hope that Sen. Britt's children go to schools where people do not make fun of their names but RantWoman would pin a different point: Sen. Britt presumes to speak for all parents and all children all over the US.Maybe start in AL.

--RantWoman has heard NO commentary about the wife identity. There is the matter of the kitchen setting about which more later.

" has descended into a dystopian nightmare..." RantWoman expects to hear more of this theme over the campaign. Who brought it on? What will fix it? Both questions open to discussion!

From Ted Crus's podcast, "attacked because I am a woman..a young Republican womman." 

--Katie, Katie, welcome to the female gender. Sorry.

--PS You know who else has campaigned as a mother? Sen. Patty Murray. Rep. Cathy mc Morris Rogers. Katie Porter. and probably several other members of Congress. As for how that has translated into policy, RantWoman is not prepared to say.

Ted Cruz: "They view you as an enormous threat..." 

--REALLY Ted, please DO NOT include me in your "they." DO NOT speak for me, EVER.

"The Liberal Media wants to bury the truth about Joe Biden and his border crisis,"

ROFLMAO. Just great, coming from one of the people who, after DECADES of the GOP dragging its feet about immigration legislation, negotiated a bill and then voted against it at the request of EX-President Gropesaurus. Immigration is no laughing matter; the comments here invite more SNL sketches.

RantWoman says WHAT?" 

The kitchen

People across the political spectrum are shocked, shocked, shocked and HORRIFIED that the speech is by a Senator and in a Kitchen. Come on people. Kitchens are power zones. Kitchens are places people talk about both what is good and what terrifies them. In keeping with the strength in diversity moment, though, as long as RantWoman were working with different women, RantWoman would also feature a range of kitchens including decor, other people and pets present...

A sampling of things people might be afraid of

--separating babies from their mothers

--people with families in different countries who can now visit because Pres. Biden undid that other guy's Muslim ban.

--Sure, there are some people who belong locked up anywhere but most just want wordauthorization and speedy resolution of asylum claims,

Health care


guns and fentanyl

CNN Segment on AL and Sen. Britt

Listen to think about AL on many dimensions.

Brief moments of levity with Sens. Britt and Cruz before The Damage report excoriates Sen. Britt

Admittedly these comments are pretty sketchy but taking on all the topics in Sen. Britt's speech might be more important in some states than in others. If anyone wants to chat further, leave a comment....

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