Friday, December 1, 2023

Could Mike Johnson be the culture war equivalent of Nixon going to China.

The relevant points for this blog post: 

--Speaker Mike Johnson told #GOP members to vote their conscience about expelling #GeorgeSantos from the House of Representatives. This implies an expectation of conscience.

--A large percentage of GOP representatives do not like being lied to or stolen from by one of their own.

--The equally balanced bipartisan House Ethics committee and their non-partisan staff did a very detailed and thorough investigation.

But RantWoman, how does this get you to "Nixon goes to China?"

Ummm, first a video typical of social media "OMG. This guy is SUCH a FREAK." He prays. He and his son have this somewhat creepy-sounding mutual accountability effort related to desire not to consume porn. He has views on MANY culture war issues that make RantWoman alternately cringe and pray every time he opens his mouth.

And OMG, he has no assets even though one would expect that he would.

More after the video.

RantWoman's points:

It is VERY Quakerly to believe in religious pluralism and people acting on deeply held religious beliefs in public life. We are not required to like other's understandings of their call but the existence of a spiritual call is what matters.

Offering what look to others like grievous misunderstandings of religious standards helps Johnson seem credible to some segments of the #GOP.  At the same time, it is not necessarily terrible if politicians turn out not to be able to realize all the promises they articulate.

"Vote your conscience" is a way of signaling willingness to see what happens if people don't just divide themselves into mutually antagonistic shouting matches.

As far as the "no assets" issue, RantWoman thinks there are both Christian and Muslim faithful who have issues with earning interest. RantWoman would not mind if there were more polite respectful discussion about this. RantWoman would definitely also like to know more about what kind of religiously themed asset shelter Speaker Johnson may have constructed for himself. At a minimum, RantWoman would like to know that however Speaker Johnson manages his family's finances that management does not include massive cash flows from say Russian oligarchs / mafia figures or even from homegrown billionaire sugar daddies.

RantWoman mentions the Russian mob / oligarchs because the question of #TFG entanglement with oligarchs comes to mind almost every time a name gets mentioned in one of the #TrumpWorld escapades. Today's escapade someone named Pavel Melikar, a figure in a sexual harassment lawsuit by a former Trump golf course employee 

RantWoman would like to know more.

AND in the realm of God works in mysterious ways:

--Fellow Hoosier dan freaking Quayle was one of the voices who helped shore up former VP Mike Pence's decision to do his Constitutional duty on #J6

--Between #DJT and #GeorgeSantos, will the GOP get more interested in screening candidates better???

--Will anyone get interested in MORE ethics committee investigations and flows of money in politics?

RantWoman is posting all of this here instead of as comments on Youtube videos for technological reasons RantWoman has decided for now to embrace as one way to keep on task about to-do's in her inbox. Enjoy?

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