Friday, January 13, 2023

Guns, Gays, and Greenhouse gasps: Lauren Boebert, culture wars and missing the point.

RantWoman, being faithful to try to shine Light in the direction of #LandslideLauren Boert R #CO03 wants to offer a couple comments about culture war issues.

Please enjoy this video. This item is old news. RantWoman does not entirely apologize for bringing up the Club Q shootings, lack of enforcement of a red flag law, and Mrs. Boebert's enthusiasm for removing the metal detectors around the House representatives. RantWoman does mean to remind readers of Who They Are, even when my goodness, the illustrious "gentlewoman from CO" has at least for the time being moved on to other topics.

1. RantWoman is grateful to know that every time Rep Boebert goes on one of her anti-LGBTQ+ rants, one of her constituents posts basically prayers of "God help us all" if one of Rep. Boebert's sons realizes he is gay or one of their friends or classmates comes out."

2. The internet likes to rag on Rep. Boebert because her husband was convicted of exposing himself to minors in a bowling alley decades ago. RantWoman does not want to speculate about whether Mrs. BOebert finds that hot or just relies on the power of God about the topic. The behavior is inappropriate. RantWoman hopes the Boebert sons realize this. HOWEVER, Jayson Boebert is a very well-paid consultant for fossil fuel and logging interests. RantWoman desperately wishes that the internet would focus more on that and less on the bowling alley exposures. Just sayin.  

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