Friday, September 2, 2022

Oh NOES! Not Lesbian dance theory!?!?! Student Loan Forgiveness! And disincentive to join the military to boot

#CivicsForLauren #LaurenBoebert

Say one thing for Lauren Boebert. She believes in recycling, at least when it comes to her soundbites.

For the record, 

1. Rantwoman appreciates many points in the video above. RantWoman wouldn't mind a tad less excessively plain English and a teeny bit gentler language, but basically these friends speak RantWoman's mind.

2. RantWoman knows exactly no one who has paid off student loans who resents Pres. Biden's student loan forgiveness. On the contrary RantWoman knows many people who are also happy to launch into critiques of the costs of and underfunding of education in the US. Plus the measure SHOULD help drive voter turnout in the midterms elections. RantWoman calls that playing to win.

3. The loan forgiveness program will cost most households a few dollars per year, a tiny sum compared to the costs of The Former Guy's tax cuts. Considering Rep. Boebert's financial history, RantWoman has little expectation that Rep. Boebert will wind up paying any of these costs.

4. Believe it or not there are young mothers who take out student loans, work multiple jobs, raise a family, AND go to college. MANY people who have a GED go to college. If Rep. Boebert were even slightly interested in college she is also at an age where there are services at many colleges specifically for Returning Women Students. RantWoman also notes from her bio that her high school education may have been disrupted by family circumstances. In short RantWoman wishes the internet would stop bashing her for being, charitably, uneducated and instead embrace the concept of lifelong learning, a concept that applies no less to Lauren Boebert than to millions of other mothers.

There. RantWoman will go back to steeping herself in over-the-top rhetoric and ridiculousness on YouTube.

Not so fast: student loan forgiveness will also make it harder to entice people to join the military. Oh my.

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