Sunday, July 31, 2022

One more time with gusto: visual self-description--and all the other stuff to talk about.

#DisabilityPride #DisabilityPrideMonth

First read the only article RantWoman has seen so far about what--besides clothing--was discussed during VP Harris participation in the recent #ADA32 anniversary celebration.

Sarah Luterman piece in The 19th

Note ALL the specific issues mentioned. There may be a quiz 

The voice of another person with a disability.

CNN Interviews Lydia X Z Brown

For the record, RantWoman is generally pro visual self-description. RantWoman appreciates the social value of both being able to exclaim over other's people and being able to highlight some part of one's demeanor that stands out for the day. RantWoman also often appreciates knowing others' ethnicity partly as clues for decoding different accents. Don't overdo it unless the venue is a very arty situation, a costume contest or something similar. Keep it brief. 

But back to VP Harris.

From Sara Luternan's piece

Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois tweeted, “If you ever wonder why the left can’t win elections despite the insanity of Trumpism, save stuff like this for reference later.” 

This quote was followed by quotes from other insurrectionistas including Ted Cruz and Lauren Boebert, usual suspects for vileness from the #GOP.

RantWoman's first reaction: Shame on you Rep. Kinzinger.  Throughout the #January6Hearings, RantWoman has been listening carefully to Reps. Kinzinger and Cheney as they try to offer their party paths out of the Trumpism very bad relationship vibe. RantWoman though wonders why Rep Kinzinger has to join the yowlers in his party with a gratuitous comment about democratic strategy as well as open display of ignorance!

Rep. Kinzinger does not leap to mind for RantWoman as a go-to guy for questions about Democratic strategy. RantWoman has plenty of opinions about why Democrats keep losing; RantWoman is pretty sure the problem is not pronouns and willingness to insist on accommodations and inclusion. 

Maybe Rep. Kinzinger can at least open his mind and learn something. Maybe. PLEASE

RantWoman's first

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