Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Because I dunno freedom of thought, oh and hypersonic missiles would not have made Afghanistan any less of a mess

RantWoman was just going to post the following video as a data point about what the illustrious MattGaetz is doing when he is not trying to duck scrutiny about inappropriate interactions with much younger women. But then a rant erupted. Catch it on the other side.

Let's play Woke Peacemaking Jeopardy:

Because the right to hear voices we disagree with is fundamental to what the US military is supposed to be protecting.

Because cutting dialogue about important societal concerns out of the defense budget is really really really NOT going to make much of a dent in the availability of funds for hypersonic missile research.

Because hypersonic missiles would NOT have saved Afghanistan from the rot of corruption that made it so easy for the Taliban to get back into power.

And the jeaopardy answer would be....

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