Friday, March 11, 2022

Morning reading and statements to the troops

To get the day off to some kind of not really perfect start
An item from Bulletin of the Atomic Sciences via Twitter

RantWoman has been seasoning the following concerns:

--It is grotesque that nuclear powerS get away with horrific violence against civilian populations because everyone is afraid that confronting them will lead to nuclear war.

--RantWoman wonders whether the think tanks of the world think as much about what happens if nuclear power plants come under enemy attack as they have about nuclear weapons. There is the proliferation risk associated with different reactor designs, but RantWoman is not familiar with a lot of public-facing discussion of the enemy attack scenario. Note to self: RantWoman, your masters thesis? Some up-to-date inquiry?

--Sure. This is all about national sovereignty. When the Soviet Union fell apart, Ukraine gave up the nuclear weapons stationed on its territory based on the promise that other countries would help look out for it. AND now Ukraine gets neither a no-fly zone nor MiGs the Poles would have been happy to transfer. RantWoman is not Not NOT saying more weapons would be a good idea here. RantWoman is simply noting a head scratcher perspective.

--In the category of God gets things done all kinds of ways, will this whole episode accelerate ashift to renewable energy, cause people to redesign whole transportation networks to be less dependent on fossil fuels, and spark a giant "world peace through better sidewalks" campaign? RantWoman can hope!

And two videos for the troops.

This isZelensky in Russian. He delivered the same message in Ukrainian. They are NOT the same language.

And here is Putin also on sacrifices.

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