Friday, December 31, 2021

Quaker Relation to Christianity: Best Jesus Jokes?

All are invited to the South Seattle Adult Religious Education hour this coming Sunday, January 2, 2022! * See Zoom link below.*

While Christmas cheer still lingers in the air (and some of us have yet to pack up our stockings and trees), this ARE will focus on our relationship, as individuals, to the Christian tradition. A weighty Friend, will facilitate using the Spiritual Sharing format. You are invited to ponder ahead of time, these focus queries:

What is your personal experience with/connection to Christianity?
What, if anything, has pushed you away, felt hurtful or toxic? 
What, if anything, has drawn you in, deepened or enriched your faith life?

This sharing time will be nice preparation for a later ARE addressing Quakers' historical relationship with Christianity. Hope you can join us for both.


RantWoman is a very bad Friend or a Friend terribly reliant on the Grace of God.


This video is part of RantWoman's spiritual preparation to participate in the above Adult Religious Education


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