Sometimes in RantWoman's world of Blog as Quaker Journal, there are things to post out of pure interest without any additional piquant (or otherwise) RantWoman commentary.
Happy #Pride
Before Stonewall
Continuing revelation about God, faith, the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), life, myriad other matters
Sometimes in RantWoman's world of Blog as Quaker Journal, there are things to post out of pure interest without any additional piquant (or otherwise) RantWoman commentary.
Happy #Pride
Before Stonewall
Posted vebatim with some RantWoman commentary at the bottom
Open until filled. Application review begins August 1, 2021
Faith Action Network (FAN) is a statewide, multi-faith 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization through which thousands of people and over 160 faith communities across Washington State build partnerships for the common good. Our network today includes Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Unitarian, Sikh, Quaker and non-denominational communities and individuals, and we actively welcome all. FAN’s team has worked in our first 10 years to build a movement for social justice: educating on issues, organizing advocates, and raising voices of faith and conscience in the state legislature and at local and federal levels.
The Policy Engagement Director is a new position for FAN designed to build on strong foundations and deepen policy knowledge and engagement within our network. Embedded in this leadership role are these assumptions:
The FAN Policy Engagement Director will provide leadership in developing FAN’s policy agenda and strategies, with the goal of expanding the role of our growing network in the process of advocacy and policy change.
Characteristics, Skills and Experience that will lead to success:
Key Responsibilities for the Policy Engagement Director:
Salary range: $60,000-$70,000 plus health/dental insurance and paid vacation and sick leave.
This is a full-time, overtime-exempt position. FAN offices are located in Seattle, with regional organizers throughout WA; for this position, you will need to have easy access to Puget Sound region and Olympia. Policy Engagement Director will report to and be supervised by the Executive Director. We anticipate this position will begin early Fall 2021.
To apply, send a resume with a cover letter explaining your interest in the position and your relevant experience and skills to
Faith Action Network is committed to hiring a diverse workforce and all qualified applicants are encouraged to apply. FAN is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender expression, relevant disability, marital status, veteran status or national origin.
3720 Airport Way S, Seattle, WA 98134 • (206) 625-9790 • •
--Much as RantWoman respects and values Faith Action Network RantWoman is WAY too charm-challenged to do what is needed. That will not stop RantWoman from trying to contribute as she is led / as she is able. By "contribute," RantWoman means encourage members of faith communities to widen their horizons to include transportation and environmental considerations. A tough stretch.
--Speaking of transportation, another "driver's license required" posting. Question at the interview: "What would be the mileage reimbursement budget. Here's how I propose to make it work..."
Seriously, the looks like an important position so Go For it!
other desk clutter |
Meet The Fluffy Lavender Chicken.
The chicken share's RantWoman's certainty the world is entitled to RantWoman's opinion and is likely aid and abet TantWoman as she composes a number of posts which may or may not get posted before the actual events to which they refer.
Consider for instance this list of NPYM Annual Session Interest Groups
Other readers who do not use screen readers may not even notice headings. RantWoman nowever is extremely grateful there are two layers of headings so that RantWoman can skip to a specific item.
RantWoman is also grateful to see both themes about taking care of community AND about Quakers doing good in the world.
Beyond that, RantWoman is going to save some all disabilities all the time meditations and let the season at least until after even events inflaming RantWoman's opinions have occurred. Stay tuned!
![]() |
Fireworks. How is Way opening? What of faith Hope Love? |
Invitation to Beat the Heat and join Fourth Saturday Worship at the Zoom coordinates at the end of this post.
Fourth Saturday worship is intended to begin with silent worship with an invitation to consider the muddle below.
June is about travel or not travel and gatherings and different flavors or Pride. July for RantWoman also features Independence Day, several death anniversaries and, this year, a major birthday RantWoman is still not sure how to handle.
Zoom makes possible all sorts of conundrums about eldering. One's nostrils may or may not be one's best feature. If your Zoom image were dominated by nostrils or random body parts or peculiar motions, would you want someone to let you know OR are Friends simply supposed to accept that God is glad to have people in worship however they arrive and maybe people should fuss less about nostrils?
Are there special things one does at Gatherings that can be replicated at home to make the Zoom experience more like in-person just without lengthy travel.
What matters most in a worship group where Friends are expected to wade into many dimension of anii-racism?
There is definitely still time to join evening events for the Friends General Conference Gathering; RantWoman thinks most readers with eyes that function better than RantWoman's are going to be able , faster than RantWoman can what other participation options they might want to grab onto.
There is still time to register for North Pacific Yearly Meeting Annual Session
RantWoman particularly recommends the numerous Interest Groups, with special thanks to the webkeeper for headings to make it easy for RantWoman and her screen reader to navigate without having to read the whole page.
Join Zoom Meeting Fourth Saturday Worship
In Light and Faithfulness
As part of RantWoman's quixotic quest both to maintain high standards of Quaker heresy and to make even tiny chinks in the wall of electronic bilge that is Rep. Lauren Boebert's Twitter feed, today's #CivisFor Lauren commentary is about Critical Race Theory.
Rep. Boebert: "Critical Race Theory should be renamed to be more honest - Self-Hate 101: Introduction to Racism."
RantWoman thinks Rep. Boebert might want to consider some comments from people of faith.
Johan Maurer on Why Evangelicals should embrace Critical Race Theory
Ed Litton Addresses the Southern Baptist Convention
For people who follow issues in the Southern Baptist Convention even a little, Rev. Litton was also just elected President of that body.
RantWoman can't tell from Rep. Boebert's Twitter feed whether she has any kind of religious practice. Her Congressional website bio has a lot about water rights and land management in the western US but the site mentions nothing about religion. Wikipedia says she became a born-again Christian in 2009. In short, RantWoman has no idea whether the two items shared here might speak to Rep. Boebert on religious grounds but RantWoman is being faithful to her call to offer them.
And for insights from mainstream media Chris Hayes of CNBC on Critical Race Theory and electoral strateties
As for Quixotic quests and Quaker heresy, start with the clearly prepared message in the video.
Yes, well, probably too much both for Quaker worship and for Twitter but still
Nonprofit Fellowship and Community Living for Young Adults with QuEST in Seattle
Courage in the face of Fear:
Faith, hope, love--and a Disability words Grab Bag
This post is RantWoman's official discernment sandbox in preparation for NPYM Annual Session 2021. RantWoman is still seeking Light as to which topics need to be tended in this year's interest groups. After some introductory details, RantWoman present several ideas. This post will be subject to updates
Join the Interest Group at the scheduled times
Disability Words Interest Group
Meeting ID: 914 8873 3885 Passcode: 7151961
If you have access needs, please leave a comment. RantWoman will do the best she and .. can do to tend to them.
RantWoman is also seeking one or two Friends willing to serve as elder for each session. For anyone unfamiliar with the concept please leave a comment and RantWoman will offer additional information.
RantWoman invites Friends to attend one of three interest groups at NPYM Annual Session that will have something to do with disability: Also if Friends see a topic you consider important but think there is no way would ever discuss it in an interest group led by RantWoman, please consider asking Ministry and Counsel for options.
Modern lingo in the workplace and beyond
Disability and Parenting
What would YOU want to know about the White Cane Law
If you were going to teach a law school course on disability law what would you include and why? This is a serious question a blind law professor posed recently in one of RantWoman's weekly Zoom hangouts
Accessibility quest for world domination: why fixing sidewalks might be as important in fighting climate change as worrying too much about...
Naomi Osaka and the press
#AccessiBe and why you shouldn't leave website accessibility up to one blind guy and some AI voodoo
Voting and accessibility
both RantWoman blogs have numerous items that talk about accessibility. Use the search bar. If something catches your fancy...
Accessibility, Inclusion, publishing and the Internet age
The importance of International law including CRPD, the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, The Marrakech treaty...
(The Association of Bad Friends is a Facebook group. If it were a Yearly Meeting, it would be one of the largest in North America)
For Friends discerning about whether to throw up their hands and join the Association of Bad Friends, or just to go take a nap or stare into something beautiful in nature, brave space where Friends are willing to risk vulnerability, eldering, and being offended.
Ableism Bananagrams
Microaggression Bingo
Oppression Olympics
Word-choice apoplexy for the metaphor-challenged as well as anyone who can't make up their mind whether it should be for instance "person with deafness" or "Deaf person," "disAbility" or "diffAbility." Special sections for "Not Blind Enough," "Not deaf Enough..."
RantWoman is VERY impressed with the interest groups scheduled for the Intermountain Yearly Meeting annual Session June 16-20. RantWoman's schedule is already clogged during this timeframe but she is here posting the text of the Interest group schedule as well as a link for the session--and this in spite of the fact that the website wants people to have registered by June 12.
Main IMYM site Main IMYM site
PS: Readers curious about RantWoman's so far one-woman #CivicsForLauren social media effort are invited to use the word Boebert in the search bar or on RantWoman's Adventures of RantWoman platform findable in the blog roll.
Proposed Minute to Establish a Communications Committee:
text below the intro and followed by questions:
RantWoman is called to continue to be faithful to her Light.
RantWoman assumes that a number of people still need help finding their better
selves, communicating what is positive, cutting down on negative and frankly
embarrassing messaging, and tending to why RantWoman continues to care
RantWoman suggests that people whose feelings are hurt about
this consider the negative messages being sent by what RantWoman hears is RantWoman
causing problems merely by existing. Maybe start by taking a good read at the
recent Disability Pride piece in Gleamings. Despite RantWoman’s quibbles it’s
not a terrible place to start.
RantWoman reminds everyone with hurt feelings that clearness committees are an option either through UFM or through Quarterly Meeting. RantWoman’s only requirement: rantWoman is severely allergic to sloppy use of the term “couples counseling.” On good days RantWoman gets that she is reacting badly to professionals just using the jargon of their field. Still, it’s the pandemic, good days should not be either taken for granted or wasted.
RantWoman’s understanding of the testimony on equality is
that people in some kind of a couple relationship are by far not the only people
who are ever parties to a conflict. RantWoman keeps praying that maybe she can
let her allergy go and find some pastoral care equivalent of Xyrtec to help her
cope. About that time RantWoman gets a severe quaking Speak Truth to Power spasm
telling her she really is not going to be able to drug away the depth of her
professional, contextual, and personal allergies.
RantWoman is also pretty sure there are resources AND
resources available in ways that meet a variety of accessibility needs for describing
needed conflict resolution processes without making RantWoman want to scream
and go delve into professional codes of ethics. Let us hold that problem in the
Light. For one thing, no matter how much about “disability pride” gets printed
in Gleamings, merely ACKNOWLEDGING this need in concrete actionable terms still
gets scrubbed out of commitments about work on disability issues.
RantWoman sees in this proposal great opportunity and AGAIN, as she has done MULTIPLE TIMES dating back to the original Communications task force offers her service, HOPEFULLY in more congenial MAYBE interpersonally nuanced form than this blog.
University Friends Meeting approves establishing a
Communications Committee and directs Nominating Committee to bring nominations
for this new committee to either the summer 2021 or September 2021 Business
In 2007-2008, UFM participated in a year of
Discernment. At the end of that 18-month year, the Meeting approved
establishing a Communications Task Force to develop and support the
communication need of the Meeting and individuals in the Meeting. The Task Force was not able to complete its job,
and we have worked without reliable oversight of our communications even as the
world of communications has evolved rapidly.
Recently an ad hoc IT committee has been reworking our use
of electronic communications, Zoom, the website, and information storage and
sharing, but there is no group charged with establishing policy or
methods. Gleamings is a stand-along
(sic) enterprise. There is no one
responsible for the Announcements listserv, the website has a webkeeper but no
oversight group, and our Office Coordinator, with help from individuals is
responsible for vetting people who want to be included in our mailing lists.
This proposal is for a Communications Committee that becomes
the home of IT, Gleamings, the website, announcements and mailing lists, and
the Google Drive.
Given normal Quaker process, the committee will be charged
with filling out its charter so that it incorporates anything that this
proposal missed or new things that need to be included.
June 2021
--Even though RantWoman thoroughly approves the idea of creating
such a committee RantWoman STRONGLY recommends holding over approval of the
minute until Friends have had the opportunity to season what instructions they
want to convey to Nominating Committee and what they expect of the committee
going forward.
--Considering LONGSTANDING patterns of ignoring RantWoman’s
concerns about accessibility, recent repetitions of that pattern, and in particular
the current Clerk of Nominating Committee’s individual patterns which RantWoman
is happy to elaborate, RantWoman has ZIP confidence that simply sending this
minute off to Nominating Committee without clear instructions from Meeting for
Business will speak to all the needs on RantWoman’s mind.
--Some things RantWoman would like to expect:
that RantWoman really WANTS to hear the voices of other Friends and to work
toward a blessed community, even on days when a “bless your hearts” community
is where people are resolutely mired.
Articulation of clear policies, inclusiveness in creating the policies,
and transparency about what they are.
NOTHING ABOUT US WITHOUT US. People do NOT get just to blabber in email
about “you are not welcome here.” NO ONE
welcomes life-changing medical events in midlife or frankly any other time. RantWoman has NO patience with all the
different forms she hears of “It’s not good for the community…” or “maybe the
community can’t handle…,” this latter from a person with a disability who
sounds like the community is supposed to handle that Friends disability but not
Inclusion in the policies explicit
commitment to some standards of accessibility that meeting the varying needs,
communications patterns among Friends, and evolving technologies. RantWoman
here applies the same single standard of truth she is applying in a much bigger
forum: people are not born knowing basic accessibility standandards but if they
are standards, people learn them in the course of ongoing work. AND if people
are open to continuing revelation, there is also room for programs like QuEST
to nurture awareness of disabilities issues in the course of regular
Space to lament the laying down of weekly First Day School. RantWoman meant to go on separately about that but maybe needs to leave room for Friends to digest these comments, partly in hopes that if adults practice communicating better that will create space to foster spiritual grown for more young families and evenMAYBE possibly create a less ableist world for some young Friends RantWoman has noticed.
In Light and faithfulness.
RantWoman here presents an item from the UFM newsletter, unedited except for imperfect format adjustments to enhance readability. The article text is followed by unabashed in your face RantWoman commentary. RantWoman hopes readers will embrace the commentary with enthusiasm, gusto, and invitation to venture more deeply into the full range of experience and spiritual framing among both Quakers and people with different disabilities. It is not RantWoman's intent to make people's heads explode though RantWoman acknowledges that may occur and holds readers in the Light as they tread along the frontiers of that possibility.
(Part 1 of 3)
Mackenzie Barton-Rowledge
On the UFM disability survey conducted last year,
several people asked UFM to look into
Disability Justice. Learning about
Disability Justice has totally transformed my worldview, and it directly led to me claiming my
disabled identity with pride, so I’m excited to share it with UFM!
I’ll start with the 10 Principles of Disability Justice.
This month I’ll touch on the first four principles, and leave the other six for
later issues of Gleamings. These principles were first articulated in 2005 by
several queer disabled women of color. Variations of the description of each
principle exist—I’ll quote here from the
most recent version by Sins Invalid, a disabled performance troupe directed by
Patty Berne, one of the founders of Disability Justice.
Simply put, this principle says that we are
many things, and they all impact us. We are not only disabled, we are also each
coming from a specific experience of race, class, sexuality, age, religious background,
geographical location, immigration status, and more. Depending on context, we
all have areas where we experience privilege, as well as areas of oppression.
The term ‘intersectionality’ was first introduced by feminist theorist Kimberlé
Crenshaw in 1989 to describe the experiences of Black women, who experience
both racism and sexism in specific ways. We gratefully embrace the nuance that
this principle brings to our lived experiences, and the ways it shapes the
perspectives we offer. Before Disability Justice, the disability rights
movement fought for basic access and rights
in the second half of the 20th century. Their work continues to be essential to
survival for many of us: the Americans
with Disabilities Act (ADA) happened because of these protests. And yet, like
every civil rights movement, many other kinds of oppression were ignored as
people tried to address one issue at a time. The disability rights movement
focused on talking about disability, but not race, gender, etc. Disability
Justice, on the other hand, makes space for each of us to bring our whole
selves and explicitly acknowledges that
our experience of disability depends on our other identities.
When we talk about ableism, racism, sexism &
transmisogyny, colonization, police violence, etc., we are not looking to
academics and experts to tell us what’s what — we are lifting up, listening to,
reading, following, and highlighting the perspectives of those who are most impacted
by the systems we fight against. By centering the leadership of those most
impacted, we keep ourselves grounded in real-world problems and find creative
strategies for resistance.
There is a beautiful disability protest chant: “nothing
about us without us.” Disability Justice applies this slogan to every aspect of
identity, and gives particular attention to opposing larger social power
Capitalism depends on wealth accumulation for some
(the white ruling class), at the expense of others, and encourages competition
as a means of survival. The nature of our disabled bodyminds means that we
resist conforming to ‘normative’ levels of productivity in a capitalist culture,
and our labor is often invisible to a system that defines labor by able-bodied,
white supremacist, gender normative standards. Our worth is not dependent on
what and how much we can produce.
This point bears repeating: our worth is not dependent on how much we can produce. Despite how much
my conscious politics are anti-capitalist, feeling ashamed of being unproductive
is a long-standing reflex of mine. Quaker values align clearly with Disability
Justice here.
Disability justice can only grow into its potential
as a movement by aligning itself with racial justice, reproductive justice,
queer and trans liberation, prison abolition, environmental justice,
anti-police terror, Deaf activism, fat liberation, and other movements working for
justice and liberation. This means challenging white disability communities
around racism and challenging other movements to confront ableism. Through
cross-movement solidarity, we create a united front. I think of this as the
large-scale version of intersectionality.
Just as one individual is impacted by all the identities
that they hold, society’s mechanisms of oppression also intersect and overlap.
When we team up to fight the many types of oppression, all of our movements
become stronger.
For Summer Gleamings, I’ll write about principles 5-9: Wholeness,
Sustainability, Cross-Disability Solidarity, Interdependence, and Collective
Access. Discussion of the 10th principle, Collective Liberation, will be in
September Gleamings.
Please bear with RantWoman as some of this ride may be rocky.
Doesn't anyone else in the whole meeting have anything to say about disability? RantWoman imagines some readers may find the meanings of all this jargon self-evident but RantWoman does not. In fact RantWoman feels harangued at, and in academic terms that obliterate, erase the very distinctives the "leadership by those most impacted" is supposed to reflect.
WHICH "Quaker Values?"
Just as WE--or at least some of us--don't stim, crochet, do sudoku in Meeting for Worship WE speak for ourselves and our own Light and do not presume to speak for all Quakers.
Believe it or not, take it from RantWoman who no one in RantWoman's undergraduate experience would predict RantWoman would say this, A LOT of Quakers are perfectly fine with capitalism. Equally important, a really important disability justice perspective is behind for instance many elements of some organizations' diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts. People doing the work of expanding the space for fuller inclusion, fuller participation have the same (or greater) life costs and deserve the same compensation as everyone else. This principle is of course unevenly observed in practice, and disability can pose the same workplace challenges for for organizations that would like to abolish capitalism and for those steeped throughout in capitalism framing.
Please note though: RantWoman does not disagree with the point that people's worth is not measured only by what they produce. That's just another way of saying "that of God in everyone."
There now. Some resources
Sins Invalid No boddy is disposable interview through the Longmore Instittute
This is verbatim from the notes for the June 2 King County Mobility Coalition Access to HealthCare committee Posted her FYI. RantWoman has a number of opinions which could be helpful in Friends' discernment about how UFM might invest energy.
Health One Unit Update
RantWoman is very excited. Well, RantWoman will try to strike a balance about parts of a draft minute on crisis intervention without police and which parts she want to go all RantWoman on.
Here is the draft minute and a survey about Friends' Opinions. Even though RantWoman plans to ask annoying questions and cavil about some wording, there are pieces RantWoman really likes and wants to encourage . Friends to work with further. Also RantWoman cannot possibly add another project to her plate so she is very happy to offer encouragement to Friends called to work on this. So do the survey. Your call whether to do the survey before or after reading RantWoman's opinions further.
Google Form Survey based on Draft Minute
Here are direct links to two programs mentioned in the survey. RamntWoman is providing direct links in case the survey for some reasons goes away..
White Bird Clinic CAHOOTS program
RantWoman means to read more about this program.
Ooh. Ooh. Ooh. Reference to an existing program and something specific people can go talk to policy makers about. RantWoman is pretty sure Meeting is in CM Pedersen's district, where many Friends also live. RantWoman would say there is more work ahead before the text below is ready to present and talking to CM Pedersen is likely to be an interesting experience.
RantWoman's understanding is that HealthOne services come into play only after a person has had many calls to 911 or perhaps low level encounters with police. The program is woefully underfunded and. Based on a presentation RantWoman heard at a transportation event awhile ago, RantWoman thinks the program's success is measured mainly in terms of reduced calls to 911 and some kinds of costs . RantWoman has little information about longer term outcomes for the people served through the program.
RantWoman does not think a minute needs to go into too much detail but calling for substantial increase in funding to expand staffing seems on point.
RantWoman is of two minds about routing everything through the 911 system. A barista dealing for the dozenth time with some difficult individual might really really happy just to have police officers shoo the individual away again. On the other hand that creates trackable data and trained social workers could be summoned just as easily as police. Maybe baristas would also feel more comfortable and less burdened by life on society's homelessness frontiers.
By coincidence, an update on Health One, from meeting notes for the June 1 King County Mobility Coalition Access to healthcare Committee:
Bluntly, the HealthOne system by itself is nowhere near enough, but it is an interesting starting point.
Here also is a Previous RantWoman effort vaguely relevant
Here are parts of the proposed minute that RantWom`an wants to interact with. RantWoman could perfectly well complete the survey but RantWoman's opinions are too complicated to fit into the survey as framed. This is a common problem for RantWoman around surveys so please bear with