Monday, February 8, 2021

This week in legislation, gender dynamics, climate change

 RantWoman WHY are you putting these three Congressional representatives in one post, and why on this blog instead of that other one?

Basically there are some gender dynamics, party identity, battling racism and climate change thoughts RantWoman is muddling around. They are nowhere near the level of conciseness RantWoman aspires to on her other blog. And People May Disagree about some hot-button topics. So maybe know that going in and hold the flow of conversation in the Light.

First Rant: Sen. (?) Joe Manchin of WV. His name came up in a young Friend's report to his public of the evolution of his ministry related to climate change. RantWoman invited young Friend to do a guest blog with the initial report. RantWoman basically likes the proposed concept. It's just that RantWoman would be inclined to draw out discussion and even be argumentative in ways Young Friend may or may not have time for. RantWoman can also imagine reasons someone might decline this invitation. The point is WV is a coal-producing state so Sen. Manchin is seen as a strong opponent of many measures that would lessen green house gas production. RantWoman's only comment: it does not make sense to demonize Sen. Manchin. It makes sense to consider what is needed to get the people of WV to buy into measures to reduce climate change.

Second Rant, also related to an energy producing state with a dollop of gender dynamics. Rep Liz Cheney, R WY one of the highest ranking women of either party in the House of Representatives has NOT been censured or stripped of her committee assignments in retaliation for her vote to impeach Mr. Former President for the second time. The Republican caucus voted by a large margin in private session not to strip her of her roles. She has however been censured by the WY state republican party. Ms. Cheney is a very accomplished politician by anyone's standard; RantWoman is sitting with whether or not it matters in the current controversy that WY was one of the first states to grant women the right to vote, several years before the ratification of the 19th amendment about nationwide women's suffrage.

Interestingly Cheney in a public vote voted with most of her party against the Democrat-backed proposal to strip Marjorie Taylor Green of her assignments. Loopy conspiracy theories are one thing; old images of Ms. Taylor Greene pointing an AR 15 at 3 women of color fellow legislators are actually for RantWoman even more disgusting. If RantWoman were going to write a speech for Ms. Cheney to give on the floor, RantWoman would have her say to her newly elected colleague: we came here to legislate and to bring out the best in the country not even to hint at violence. My constituents believe in the Second Amendment too, but we also take responsible gun use very seriously. That would sidestep the issue of the Second Amendment and AR 15's among civilians, but oh well. We can't have everything and RantWoman is unlikely to score a speechwriting gig for Ms. Cheney anyway..

And now in appreciation for the beleaguered voters of GA04, a scolding for your representative.

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