Monday, January 20, 2020

Merry Christmas Let's talk about Death, Round 2.

Ya know that twitch RantWoman has about things to talk about BEFORE death, BEFORE it's time for memorials. Guess what! It's BACK!!!! Actually, it's BACK, but due to #CoronaVirus Quarantine, Clampdown, and general agitation, it is back in quite different form. Specifically, what does someone need to have in place if one is very clear that, even if one gets sick from #Covid19 one does not want to be on a ventilator.? RantWoman of course is planning not to get sick. RantWoman is planning not to need to go to the hospital. RantWoman and Little Sister have both had clear conversations.

First the event invitation RantWoman is going to write about; said event got CANCELLED / rescheduled for sometime after Gov. Inslee lifts a shelter in place order.

End of Life Workshop March 22 will be in the Social Hall of University Friends Meeting from 1:30 to 4:00.  Before the workshop, come to the lunch potluck that begins at 12:20.
Participants will address end-of-life decision making; explore spiritual, ethical, and legal considerations; hear about hospice, have the opportunity to develop living wills/advanced directives, and name who we would like to make health care decisions for us in the event we are unable to do so for ourselves.
Ginger Boyle (lawyer), Natasha White Marsh (hospice chaplain), and LuAnn Wangsness  (hospice social worker) each will give a presentation that will be followed by a question and answer period. Then Natasha and LuAnn will walk us through the 5 Wishes document. Ginger Boyle will notarize signatures.

This workshop is for anyone who is ready to take a dive into this subject.  Childcare will be provided.

If you have any questions, contact (Friend from the Former It's not our Role to Talk About Accessibility and Disability Care and Accountability Committee.)  [Leave a comment and RantWoman will forward; can anyone guess, either at the outset or after reading the rest of the meditation here, why RantWoman might not leap at the request to follow these exact directions?]

RantWoman does not exactly apologize for splattering the raw meditations here all over the internet. RantWoman further has the temerity to proclaim part of the picture, about what the term "accessible document means to RantWoman to the zone of problems experienced by many people not just Friends and therefor worthy of appearance in her other blog.

RantWoman humbly admits to being severely Charm Challenged sometimes and as a reasonable accommodation begs forebearance for splattering her thoughts all over the internet instead of just picking up the phone. See, splattering thoughts all over the internet, FOR RANTWOMAN is implicitly a request o hold in the Light anyone who is going to get to have a phone conversation with RantWoman, implicitly an expression of faith in shared discernment or shared bearing of community burdens.

Question 1: There will be CHILDCARE! Does that mean there might be people attending who have been around Meeting less than 20 years? It would be nice if the workshop seemed welcoming however long someone has been among friends. Does that mean there are options in the paperwork for parents to specify who they want to take care of their minor children in the event of their death? RantWoman is hot on this topic only because shortly after Irrepressible Nephew's birth, Little Sister developed an infection and needed to be in the hospital longer than Nephew did.

Brother in Law was out of the country at the time. RantWoman has surmised that probably there were voices exhorting Little Sister to please think about... but Little sister did NOT want to. So things were a little ragged for a few days: Little Sister was told either someone needed to be with her 24/7 in the hospital to take care of her son or newborn Nephew would go to CPS. Little Sister pulled it together with help from RantWoman and an old friend and some teenagers from La Iglesia de Dios Pentacostes  in the daytime. That has not been the only Little Sister medical event where ... but it is the one RantWoman is most stuck on.

2. But RantWoman, we think mostly elders will come...

Yeah, and as many times as RantWoman currently hears the phrase memory problems, probably it's an act of love for the community to hold unpleasant possibilities.

Question 2: Would anyone besides RantWoman like to look through the document referred to before the workshop, for instance in order to think about some of the points mentioned in the promo?

Hark, Eureka, HOLY TOLEDO: The 5 wishes document mentioned above can be found in English and 27 other languages at Five Wishes Site .Eureka! Alternate formats! One standard translation for each language! and reusable in many different places. Visually, RantWoman wishes the PDF reflected better contrast, and RantWoman has not gone looking to see whether the document exists in  a form that could be filled out on a computer instead of on paper. But RantWoman is THRILLED to see that one of her standard reasonable accommodations requests,  for many kinds of documents, for the same document as everyone else is using in a format RantWoman can read with the tools she has,could easily be addressed.

RantWoman asks readers' forebearance in helping season what needs to be said out loud and to whom. RantWoman values some sense of shared discernment and thus is also throwing out thoughts to see whether they resonate for anyone else.

First a quote apropos of  a theme that may yet make RantWoman's head explode (see memorials in the search bar), with exactly ZERO apologies to anyone who cannot deal with Jesus, especially messy complicated, Jesus as corporeal being.
From @CandiceBenBaw on Twitter

"Today and every day remember that Jesus came in this world to do more than die. Jesus is here to show us how to do life."

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