Saturday, January 25, 2020

Attack of the Graffitti All-Stars x 2

Let justice roll like water and Righteousness like a mighty stream....

Alas, rain does not usually wash away graffitti. Nor does it provide bus benches.

RantWoman is very sorry to hear of the graffitti shown here which was  recently, on MLK day specifically,  deposited at StMark's Episcopal Cathedral.

RantWoman is grateful for the links here, local press and a statement from the Dean of the Cathedral.

South Side of St Marks Cathedral showing Marxist Idiots Wake Up graffitti
Capital Hill Seattle article: contemplation in response to vandalism

St Marks Cathedral vandalized on MLK day

RantWoman further notes:

--Whoever did this has no business complaining about #antifa graffitti

--This "artwork" cries out to be splattered on T-Shirts. Consider options:

   --Another St Marksist for Peace Love and Tolerance

  --"Who would Jesus Spray Paint?"

  --"St Marksists Let's get woke!"

Probably RantWoman should STOP and go back to figuring out where she is going to wear the Black Lives Matter t-shirt she bought at Seattle's MLK celebration.

Bus stop minus bus bench plus graffitti at 40th and University Bridge
Graffitti in various places in bus shelter
Mural of teepees, horses, mountains

And in other graffitti news on the mean streets

--Is "Fell in Love" nicer graffitti than "Marxist Idiots Wake Up?" Is there such a thing as graffitti envy?

--RantWoman has been told there is graffitti on Meeting property. RantWoman is certain the world is entitled to a whole post about "activating space" as a way to limit vandalism. Stay Tuned.

--The second picture is the bus shelter nearest RantWoman's Meeting. It used to have a bench. Recently the bench was removed "due to chronic non-transit use." There is a trial period of six months. RantWoman appreciates the #accessibility complaint in Twitter comments. People who have trouble standing can much more easily ride the bus instead of paratransit if there are benches to sit on while waiting for the bus.

There. Wishing everyone joy, peace, community, and a lot less graffitti.

In Light and faithfulness.


Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Buffalo in the Streets, Cows With Guns, Cats with Rap Sheets, not necessarily in that order.

RantWoman is in the midst of her annual exercise in college alumni interviews of people applying to RantWoman's alma mater. The exercise always draws RantWoman's mind to the point of running away from home to go to college, to the workings of God because RantWoman would not have figured out...without...and to meditations on "Where are the young people?" Some of them are in college, questioning LOTS of things, maybe interested in Quakers or connected to Quakers by something outside Meeting but not necessarily keen on miles of transit unfriendly travel to the nearest Meeting. Ditto for RantWoman's experience of graduate school, though not, Not NOT current realities near RantWoman's Meeting.

Then there is the dance among leadings of God contemplative Quakers and Sitting in Worship Demands that I Also Get Up and DO SOMETHING quakers. And then there is the part about when people actually show up, for instance when there are young children to be nurtured, what community dynamics might dump a whole bunch of, um, historical challenges onto their parents' shoulders??? See, RantWoman feels awful about a sense of that in more than one situation. RantWoman further feels awful about the adult RantWoman still trying to parent a kid RantWoman, doing it badly, and definitely not creating the environment she would wish.

RantWoman does not think her current Meeting is embracing the either the value of proximity to a major university or various strands of upheaval in the lives of faith communities due to real estate realities, work patterns, and the needs and imperatives of people at different stages of life.

But RantWoman digresses and begs readers' indulgences if it is not entirely obvious where today's meditations / procrastination about fits of needed plain speaking are headed. RantWoman definitely believes in shared discernment. RantWoman has a versatile God who gets things done all kinds of ways.  Read. Hold. If it does not resonate let it go and let the meditations find the people they are supposed to find, and double bonus if the meditations find hearts younger than 60.

The Cat with a Rap Sheet

Kitty with a rap sheet was a beautiful but famously fussy tortoise-shell. Cat with Rap Sheet lived for many years with a college Coeds Cats and Commies co-op housemate of RantWoman's and her wife. RantWoman knew kitty long after she acquired her rap sheet from the State of NE. She was not a pick-me-up cat AT ALL but RantWoman considered it a great honor that Cat with a Rap Sheet would approach RantWoman and deigned to let RantWoman pet her.

Kitty acquired her rap sheet for a "provoked attack" while NE agricultural authorities were trying to induce her to come out from under a porch where she fled after being let out accidentally by her humans. The rest of her life, despite fussiness, she was a wonderful cat.

Sometimes it is fine just to let people think buffalo run wild in the Streets.

One reality of running far away from home to go to college is the incredible need for education about basic geographic and cultural realities unfamiliar to one's college classmates.

Sample question: "Montana? Is that by Iowa.?"

RantWoman, almost audibly rolling her eyes, "Idaho. Different 3-syllable I state."

RantWoman does not remember the exact conversation that made her decide sometimes it is just fine to let people think there are herds of wild buffalo running loose in the streets of the big city. But RantWoman has been thinking about that while trying to clear from her thoughts the earworms from the video below.

PS Brucellosis: a reason cows and buffalo would not hang together in the wild, though RantWoman has no idea what happens for places that raise / domesticate buffalo. Unnecessary detail?

WHO KNEW how much RantWoman was going to need facility about this need for her role as perpetual tour guide for the realities of Planet RantWoman?

As if RantWoman's feed were not full enough with disturbing content: Cows with guns

The following item is:

--A glorious internet side effect of a typo about a fire "in a chicken coup."

--A fabulous repository of terrible events and worse puns

--Decreed by the Service python and the flock of emotional support chickens ALL IN GOOD FUN with no Uzis, etc intended anywhere

--A disturbing enough barometer of mental health--or fussiness about mental health vocabulary--that RantWoman is in danger of getting kidnapped by otherwise pacifist vegans, pummeled into unconsciousness with organic carrots and sent off to climate change methane re-education

--All of the above

Monday, January 20, 2020

Merry Christmas Let's talk about Death, Round 2.

Ya know that twitch RantWoman has about things to talk about BEFORE death, BEFORE it's time for memorials. Guess what! It's BACK!!!! Actually, it's BACK, but due to #CoronaVirus Quarantine, Clampdown, and general agitation, it is back in quite different form. Specifically, what does someone need to have in place if one is very clear that, even if one gets sick from #Covid19 one does not want to be on a ventilator.? RantWoman of course is planning not to get sick. RantWoman is planning not to need to go to the hospital. RantWoman and Little Sister have both had clear conversations.

First the event invitation RantWoman is going to write about; said event got CANCELLED / rescheduled for sometime after Gov. Inslee lifts a shelter in place order.

End of Life Workshop March 22 will be in the Social Hall of University Friends Meeting from 1:30 to 4:00.  Before the workshop, come to the lunch potluck that begins at 12:20.
Participants will address end-of-life decision making; explore spiritual, ethical, and legal considerations; hear about hospice, have the opportunity to develop living wills/advanced directives, and name who we would like to make health care decisions for us in the event we are unable to do so for ourselves.
Ginger Boyle (lawyer), Natasha White Marsh (hospice chaplain), and LuAnn Wangsness  (hospice social worker) each will give a presentation that will be followed by a question and answer period. Then Natasha and LuAnn will walk us through the 5 Wishes document. Ginger Boyle will notarize signatures.

This workshop is for anyone who is ready to take a dive into this subject.  Childcare will be provided.

If you have any questions, contact (Friend from the Former It's not our Role to Talk About Accessibility and Disability Care and Accountability Committee.)  [Leave a comment and RantWoman will forward; can anyone guess, either at the outset or after reading the rest of the meditation here, why RantWoman might not leap at the request to follow these exact directions?]

RantWoman does not exactly apologize for splattering the raw meditations here all over the internet. RantWoman further has the temerity to proclaim part of the picture, about what the term "accessible document means to RantWoman to the zone of problems experienced by many people not just Friends and therefor worthy of appearance in her other blog.

RantWoman humbly admits to being severely Charm Challenged sometimes and as a reasonable accommodation begs forebearance for splattering her thoughts all over the internet instead of just picking up the phone. See, splattering thoughts all over the internet, FOR RANTWOMAN is implicitly a request o hold in the Light anyone who is going to get to have a phone conversation with RantWoman, implicitly an expression of faith in shared discernment or shared bearing of community burdens.

Question 1: There will be CHILDCARE! Does that mean there might be people attending who have been around Meeting less than 20 years? It would be nice if the workshop seemed welcoming however long someone has been among friends. Does that mean there are options in the paperwork for parents to specify who they want to take care of their minor children in the event of their death? RantWoman is hot on this topic only because shortly after Irrepressible Nephew's birth, Little Sister developed an infection and needed to be in the hospital longer than Nephew did.

Brother in Law was out of the country at the time. RantWoman has surmised that probably there were voices exhorting Little Sister to please think about... but Little sister did NOT want to. So things were a little ragged for a few days: Little Sister was told either someone needed to be with her 24/7 in the hospital to take care of her son or newborn Nephew would go to CPS. Little Sister pulled it together with help from RantWoman and an old friend and some teenagers from La Iglesia de Dios Pentacostes  in the daytime. That has not been the only Little Sister medical event where ... but it is the one RantWoman is most stuck on.

2. But RantWoman, we think mostly elders will come...

Yeah, and as many times as RantWoman currently hears the phrase memory problems, probably it's an act of love for the community to hold unpleasant possibilities.

Question 2: Would anyone besides RantWoman like to look through the document referred to before the workshop, for instance in order to think about some of the points mentioned in the promo?

Hark, Eureka, HOLY TOLEDO: The 5 wishes document mentioned above can be found in English and 27 other languages at Five Wishes Site .Eureka! Alternate formats! One standard translation for each language! and reusable in many different places. Visually, RantWoman wishes the PDF reflected better contrast, and RantWoman has not gone looking to see whether the document exists in  a form that could be filled out on a computer instead of on paper. But RantWoman is THRILLED to see that one of her standard reasonable accommodations requests,  for many kinds of documents, for the same document as everyone else is using in a format RantWoman can read with the tools she has,could easily be addressed.

RantWoman asks readers' forebearance in helping season what needs to be said out loud and to whom. RantWoman values some sense of shared discernment and thus is also throwing out thoughts to see whether they resonate for anyone else.

First a quote apropos of  a theme that may yet make RantWoman's head explode (see memorials in the search bar), with exactly ZERO apologies to anyone who cannot deal with Jesus, especially messy complicated, Jesus as corporeal being.
From @CandiceBenBaw on Twitter

"Today and every day remember that Jesus came in this world to do more than die. Jesus is here to show us how to do life."

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Happy Actual Birthday MLK South African vs. American Culture - Between the Scenes | The Daily Show

Happy Actual Birthday Martin Luther King!

RantWoman finds the suggestions here interesting. Plus RantWoman likes to laugh even when there are stunningly difficult topics involved.

Sunday, January 12, 2020


Fourth Saturday Worship:
Unprogrammed Worship in the manner of Friends (Quakers)
with queries related to prayer.  

An experiment for a few months

At the Montlake Library,
Saturday January 25 from 3:30-5 pm.

Come with open hearts, Friends with a variety of connections, Friends for whom Sunday mornings do not work, Friends who just want to try something in addition to visiting Seattle area meetings.

All who want to experience unprogrammed worship including children of any age who can come with an adult are welcome.

Queries for January 25, 2020

Rhythms of prayer: What role does time play in personal or corporate prayer?

Does it matter to pray on a set cycle over the day or over the year?

What about "Time to pray" moments?

A number of my Muslim neighbors pray 5 times a day and sometimes just walk around the building with their phones playing a call to prayer. How do can we hold others' prayer practices in care?

For more information leave a comment but please specify if you would prefer I not publish your comment.

Bus connections on Metro Rt 48 are great and the library has a parking garage with space for bikes.

Future dates: February 22, 2020; [March 28, 2020 ?]

Saturday, January 11, 2020


RantWoman's mental blogging queue is something like a bag of corn-nuts full of individual items to be strung together.

This meditation is mainly about conversations about welcoming people of all genders, but it a little bit spills over into other dramas. RantWoman would highlight two moments of shifting opinion, one Oh Wow about a child's experiences, and a moment to hold in the Light because words still need to be found for the right conversation.

RantWoman today read a tweet from someone who was told they were supposed to be grieving because their partner was transitioning. The Tweet's author complained about how, yes there are things to grieve, but the opinion that the conversation is about the situation's inconvenience TO THE PARTNER not the person transitioning de-centers the person transitioning and makes the the story about the partner.  The person transitioning is becoming her true self.

At risk of stretching the metaphor completely out of shape, RantWoman is going to borrow the metaphor to talk about adjustment to disability: RantWoman's inclination is to focus as much as possible on what she has, not what she has not. RantWoman's emotional pooper scooper keeps goind AWOL about others' interaction with her midlife vision loss. Lately sometimes RantWoman has stumbled over gratitude and compassion noting some Friends' struggles with advancing age. For Rantwoman there is a new different self. There is a new "true self." The process is NOT grief-free but in the best case there is a whole lot of forced inventiveness and opportunity to be grateful for...(Um, Rantwoman maybe focus on the emotional pooper scooper issue and work on gratitude in another post)

NPYM Minute on welcoming people of all genders

(No, RantWoman, do not try to tackle "welcome" and disability tonight. Just do NOT.)

When NPYM was considering its minute about welcoming people of all genders, there was extended worship during a plenary. Three comments stuck out:

One doctor spoke of regret: early in their career, they had refused to write a refill prescription for someone experiencing gender dysphoria, transitioning.

One friend spoke with great drama of having changed their own mind fairly recently. rhe friend did not speak of the path toward continuing revelation but RantWoman distinctly remembers the drama of the announcement. RantWoman has also observed: this Friend does dramatic presentation well in many situations.

One Friend spoke of travels as a child  around NPYM being spokeskid for same-gender parenting. RantWoman kind of sat up straight listening to the message. RantWoman weirdly has not talked a lot directly about being queer, questioning and growing up in NPYM country. Quaker Honorary Auntie was not a part of the local SMALL Quaker meeting and only started sometimes attending Meeting when visiting the RantFamily long after RantWoman ran away from home to go to college. RantWoman has also realized that several other Significant Quaker Figures in RantWoman's life are people RantWoman knew not because of participating in Quaker meeting but because of some other connection.

But the Fruiend's spokeskid message kind of made RantWoman go "Oh WOW." See, RantDad was quite overweight, wore the same weird glasses as RantWoman, and sometimes came to school to play his bassoon. All of that was more than enough outlier among RantWoman's public school classmates before the question f being queer even came up. And RantWoman will not even talk about protection from bullying, only the safety of being in worship, even worship in a pretty imperfect community. But being quaker spokeskid for same gender marriage seems to RantWoman like it would be another whole degree of out of the ordinary.

RantWoman acquired a lot of worship habits from worship at the church where RantDad directed the choir Rantwoman did not experience sensitivity about teenage life issues.. RantWoman did not acquire conflict resolution skills there but over time and visits to many faith communities, ONE RantWoman take on the testimony on Equality: ALL faith communities have their soap operas. That is part of the faith community gig. Soap operas are part of the process of weaving communities together. RantWoman can do FURIOUS about many things easily, but lately RantWoman has been tripping over other threads too.

Tonight RantWoman is stuck on a moment in Business Meeting when something she said sent another Friend screaming from the room crying and shouting about "Lies, Lies, Lies." RantWoman has no memory of what she said. The moment came up in a conversation with someone else who witnessed it and also had no idea what had set off the moment of drama. RantWoman remembers thinking "Friend, can we start with how experiences look to RantWoman?" RantWoman remembers a family member of the offended Friend growling at RantWoman to APOLOGIZE. RantWoman remembers flickering back and forth between "gets so upset she cannot talk" and "Friend, if you make me speak right now, NOTHING good is going to come out of my mouth." RantWoman THINKS there is a piece of some conversation about sound system but is unsure.

Digression: "RantWoman, you have a therapist. You know there are more pieces than here. Why you gotta splatter all this all over the internet and even worse refer to prayer?"

Uhhh, for one thing RantWoman is the sort of therapy client who can dance around something for nearly an entire appointment and then MAYBE have something stumble out of her mouth just in time to pay the therapist who, thank you very much, is not in RantWoman's provider network But if RantWoman writes it down.... At the most recent appointment, RantWoman's therapist asked some how is this going for you questions to think about. RantWoman realized that frightening as the "just please pray before you go there" zone her blogs are, probably asking her therapist to poke through some of the entries would be entirely reasonable.

Entirely reasonable.

In the meantime, dear universe, please hold this soap opera in the Light while RantWoman conducts vocabulary lessons.

In Light and faithfulness.


Thursday, January 9, 2020

Ornaments, Alt Text, Alternative Formats, Branches of the Christmas Tree

Ёлки палки! Literally, branches of the Christmas tree. Something like "Oh good grief" in English with a phonetic overtone of alternative to one strand of profanity!

RantWoman, MUST YOU meander around in other languages just to talk about end of year / new year spiritual inventory?

Why the (bleep) not? Consider it another unsolicited trip to Planet RantWoman. It's not like there are no holiday ornaments losing their glitter needing either to be stowed or moved along in the universe. Plus maybe there are still some treasures lurking.

This year, partly in a spirit of simplicity, RantWoman has mainly been appreciating public Christmas trees. RantMom happily toured RantWoman and Irrepressible Nephew around the trees at her current retirement community. RantWoman was glad to see a tree visiting another beloved elder.
Tree with blue lights and a yellow lighted star. Also image in window and lighted outline of different tree
The intentionally
multicultural tree
in the lobby of RantWoman's building

RantWoman is called, in true procrastinator's fashion, to do some of the mental and spiritual housekeeping that sometimes takes place on New Year's Eve. In honor of this call, first a picture and some meditations on alt text and alternate formats.

Find the blue light Christmas tree
Play of street lights and
street light reflections.
Can anyone find the Christmas tree
RantWoman was trying to photograph?

Alt Text

Alt text on images, some kind of verbal description of an image  is an easy accessibility gesture in many social media channels. Even though alt text is frequently easy to provide, RantWoman today is peeved by all the #WorldBrailleDay twitter full of images without alt-text. The good news: RantWoman is already sufficiently peeved that she has no intention of looking any further for imagest missing their alt text.

Here RantWoman at first was disappointed that the picture shows so much street light reflection and so little of the tree representation she was trying to photograph. However Literature brain discovered all kinds of possibilities when trying to write alt text for what is here. No, RantWoman is not going to inventory all the possibilities, only get stuck briefly on the fact that the possibilities exist.

Alternate formats

Next a word about alternate formats, an accessibility term near and dear to RantWoman, a term she uses regularly and not, alas, always with the desired level of patience about people's learning curves. Usually in RantWoman's experience alternate formats mean alternative ways besides print to present documents. RantWoman notes that modern media also include ebooks and podcasts and RantWoman is very grateful to have devices capable of delivering information in those formats. RantWoman always appreciates links and  documents via email just in common electronic formats such as accessible web page, PDF, and so forth. Pretty much any time RantWoman goes to or thinks about going to an event where there might be handouts, RantWoman will make a reasonable accommodations request to get the handouts and Powerpoint slides and other materials in electronic formats.

RantWoman will make the request. People who recognize that it is their job to address such requests promptly and in a timely manner with respect to the corresponding event will do the best they can. That might or might not mean an organization has even thought about the need for documents in alternate formats or depending on the size of the organization about requirements under the ADA. it might or might not mean the images in the Powerpoints have meaningful alt text. Almost always  RantWoman does the best she can to receive whatever answer comes with equanamity. Almost always the result is something better than not asking at all.

Almost always. There are a couple of Friends who RantWoman would routinely request the weekly handouts in alternate formats. Sometimes email happens. Sometimes not. Enough said?

(Pop quiz because RantWoman is feeling peeved on principle: RantWoman's blog tagging is probably unhelpful and RantWoman cannot think of something that would make a good search term, but can readers find other recent or otherwise posts where RantWoman speaks of alternate formats? Hint: the topic is pretty important and RantWoman speaks of it often enough that some Friends may be tired of it. Tough. RantWoman is tired of needing such too, but nevertheless RantWoman needs alternate formats!)

A link! The same link as everyone else!

Next, a word from the Prayer Warriors, in honor of the word "connection" which emerged from worship sharing at Fourth Saturday Worship. .
10 Questions for the New Year via the Prayer Warriors

To anyone put off by the language, RantWoman suggests the words of Benigno Sanchez-Eppler about listening in tongues. Plus RantWoman means to try questions as if at a shoe store luxuriating in the possibilities inherent in 10 options that might fit RantWoman will grab the questions she can most clearly work with and figure others will also find the footwear that fits them best.

Or recall that one of RantWoman's most consistent messages in Meeting for Worship is about praying across differences. The message tends to get hung on lots of different stories and RantWoman recognizes that others sometimes find Literature Brain confusing. RantWoman does not always remember exactly what she said but does not mind being asked to try to wander the pathways again, preferably as soon as possible, if the questions might help someone better find God.

And in the meantime, God is going to go off AGAIN about links being perfectly lovely alternate formats, at least for RantWoman with the tools and skills she has!

Monday, January 6, 2020

Story Exchange: Crip Eye View

RantWoman is sure the universe needs the stories she is about to tell. They are what rise from the sea of international belligerence, local voices battling for turf in front of City Hall, and RantWoman's spiritual compost heap.And yes, of COURSE there is disability involved.

Digression: Glad to have only one's own problems.

RantWoman is hanging out on the computer next to where the Chief Morale Officer usually sits. Morale is flagging a little bit. CMO had a rough weekend because of wheelchair malfunction that left her just out of reach even of her cordless phone for a long time. CMO cannot get around independently without her wheelchair and luckily at least some level of wheelchair repair seems to have happened this morning. RantWoman has listened to enough of people's other wheelchair stories both to think she should look in on CMO sometimes and that RantWoman is VERY glad to have only her own problems.

Daffodils and cigarette Butts.

RantWoman has written previously of a rather unusual daffodil message offered in worship some time ago. In the message, there were a bunch of cigarette butts among the daffodils and the point was to see the daffodils and not worry about the cigarette butts.

Lately, the RantWoman Department of Impertinent Questions and Mutant Narrative has been seized by all kinds of questions.

Who planted the daffodils?

Was the person who planted the daffodils a chain smoker or did someone else cause the cigarette butts to be there?

How did the cigarette butts get there? Was it before or after the daffodils were planted?

Cigarette butts are not biodegradable but do they contain chemicals that can leach out and harm the daffodils?

Would it be healthier and less disgusting for someone to clean up the cigarette butts rather than pretend they are not there?

Perhaps it is a good thing these daffodils came up in Meeting for Worship where no response is expected instead of in Meeting for Business where ...?

Also, the questions did not even make it into RantWoman's head, let alone out of her mouth until after the phone call featuring both the daffodils and the dog poop in the next item.

Carefully Bagged Dog Poop unintentionally left lying around.

(Special Thanks to the Friend who told the story and has given RantWoman permission to post the question on her mind.)

A couple was selling their house in preparation for a move to Seattle. The couple had a neighborhood potluck group. At some point an interracial gay couple bought a house across the street and was invited to join the potluck group to everyone's appreciation. At one point the gay couple was out of town and the other couple had a realtor wanting to show the house they were trying to sell. RantWoman's conversation partner , picked up a blue newspaper bag, took their dogs for a walk and dutifully picked up the dog poop deposited during the walk. When this Friend got back, there were still two cars in the driveway at the Friend's house so the Friend decided to wait on the porch of the gay couple who were out of town until the cars left their driveway.

The Friend reported that when the gay couple came back, the Friend got a call wondering about neighborhood kids or why was there a blue bag of dog poop on their front porch. The Friend ruefully noted that probably it was NOT neighborhood hooligans but the Friend who had unintentionally left the dog poop on the neighbors' front porch.

The question that came to RantWoman later: Friend, do you think your neighbors would have been as comfortable sitting on their front porch as you were sitting on theirs?

The other dog poop realities on Planet RantWoman:
--The Queen of Spades, the household feline staff, is quite canine-hostile so RantWoman currently has no regular responsibility about picking up dog poop.

--RantWoman observes many dogs walking and some places that dispense bags to pick up the dog poop.

--RantWoman's life is full of guide dog handlers who despair when their dogs get sick of dealing unobtrusively with diarrhea, guide dog users who care deeply when for instance their guide gets attacked by another bigger dog, and whole parades of people with pooches on leashes who seem, at least to RantWoman like they are relying on their dogs' wagging tails to handle human introductions. Consider this recent tirade. Holiday Service Dog Rant

In short JUST having carefully bagged dog poop... would be such a simplification.

Blind People, Beer, Business Meeting

RantWoman has been saying for a number of years that she thinks it would be helpful for sighted Friends to observe how blind people get things done. RantWoman needs to further note that what happens if the group is mostly blind people is different from what happens if the group is only a small percentage of blind people. RantWoman thanks two Friends for venturing into meetings with mostly blind people and sharing their observations. RantWoman does NOT thank these Friends for both pronouncing that they did not see how what they observed applied to Meeting for Business. RantWoman has not talked either one through different points of Meeting for Business, but RantWoman emphatically disagrees and clearly needs to speak for herself about the questions. Stay tuned.

RantWoman thanks Previous Clerk for offering many verbal cues to help about things like being recognized to speak. The cues were not perfect and RantWoman's interactions were problematic for other reasons.

But RantWoman's point: after the latest iteration of one of the events mentioned above, RantWoman wants to repeat an invitation. RantWoman has previously invited Friends to come drink beer with a bunch of blind people who go to meetings with sighted people all the time. The point is just to get people talking about their experiences AND a little bit to manage the flow of conversation among all the blind people. RantWoman invited Madam Clerk to do this. So far, she has declined the invitation.

How the heck are people supposed to figure out what works if no one is willing to step through issues and details????

New Tenant. ADA. The Bus

Imagine an extended Back and Forth over several business meetings and conversations or email with several people.

Oh look. We have a great new tenant who will be serving homeless people. They are happy with a space that pardon RantWoman's bluntness is completely inaccessible to wheelchair users.

RantWoman: But wheelchair access?

(Paraphrasing: RantWoman shut up. We are tired and just want to go to lunch.)

RantWoman are you questioning the wisdom of Finance Committee and the tenant's board? Why can't you just trust us?

Should I be questioning anyone's wisdom? Have you ever heard the phrase Trust but Verify?

RantWoman, couldn't you have just discretely asked someone one Finance Committee?

 No. Why is it not reasonable to ask in Business Meeting? Finance Committee could perfectly well say "We don't know but let's check and report back."

Plus, RantWoman already knows a thing or two and sees the value in a public conversation about what the ADA does or does not buy people in different situations.

But RantWoman you keep insisting on meaningless detail in minutes.

Meaningless to whom? Let me walk you through life in the "courtesy area" of the bus, besides the likes of RantWoman, often filled with people who have various mobility aids, are obviously homeless, and show signs of many challenges, exchange information all the time about useful resources.

Over time, RantWoman gathers various data just due to her transit / transportations:
--Other people besides RantWoman ride the bus to Meeting, including routes where much service planning and public engagement is occurring.

--New tenant ventures out into the community and has resources available at wheelchair accessible locations.

--There are other operational questions it would make sense to ask Tenant but the main point: people who ride the bus to Meeting MIGHT Like somehow learning something new during Meeting for Business, including for instance, a resource that can be shared by bus grapevine with people who could probably use the information.

Further tirade available about bigger questions, but RantWoman's point: information that is meaningless detail to one person might be exactly what someone else needs to trust a network or an organization or the next step in their grappling with issues.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Revelation, Empire, Charism, Origin Stories, Throbbing Present

RantWoman apologizes in advance: here are two meaty blog posts RantWoman is walking around digesting. It would be nice if RantWoman were to break things down and weave together her meditations. That, sadly, in this case is not going to happen right away and RantWoman is clear to blog loose threads anyway.

Here, Enjoy the readings at least.
Wes daniels on Matthew, Revelation, Personal Origin Stories and Resistance

Speaking of origin stories, family and otherwise, there is a RantWoman Quaker origin story connected with the meditations below.

RantWoman's favorite Charismatic Christian on the relation between Quakers and the Vineyard.
Hye Sung on Quakers and the Vineyard

RantWoman has a favorite charismatic theologian partly because she reads Hye Sung occasionally. Rantwoman both finds herself intrigued and quickly realizes, re-remembers that she is unlikely ever to turn into a charismatic Christian, no matter how much she might also want to keep saying "See, See. LOOK at the range of Quakers No, not all Quakers are like you or you or you...and we are all richer for..."

Then there is the speaking in tongues part from the post above. RantWoman was going to say she has little personal experience with speaking in tongues, well except for that part about studying foreign languages, oh heck, and the part about thinking it entirely reasonable to need to be faitfhul to one's light about talking regularly about accessibility, inclusion, the ADA, disability. RantWoman is trying--and not succeeding--to be faithful to her Light, to be gentle as people lurch along a path of reluctantly received language immersion. Who are we kidding? A lot of the time, judging for instance, by almost ZERO mention of any such concepts in a whole year's worth of minutes and not even in minutes dating back several years to a previous effort to look at disability, RantWoman might as well be speaking in tongues although what if we free-associate to immersion baptism, plus or minus either the Baptist dunking tank of RantWoman's youth or just immersion in the Holy Spirit as in the Barclay sense?

RantWoman, MUST YOU digress like this every single darn time? MUST YOU? And you go on and on and don't know when to quit. And we are having trouble finding God in your words. And we really really really feel entitled to a break and we really do not even notice that you don't get a break from blindness at least.

To quote Scooby Doo, Ruh roh. Please forgive RantWoman because her excessively plain English to Quakerese filter is about to severely malfunction--again.

Just because YOU can't find God ... does not mean God is not present. Remember, RantWoman has a versatile God who gets things done lots of ways. God keeps sending people with disabilities to live among ... and suggesting rather strongly that everyone learn how to get along. Oh and then there is the part about people with disabilities sometimes being called to be present in situations where they are either explicitly or implicitly not wanted.

And if you are going to complain that RantWoman is known to test limits, please consider that also means RantWoman is being faithful to her Light, grabbing every tiny shudder of inching forward in directions RantWoman's light is pointing and looking for paths to squeeze further increments of progress out of the Quaker process everyone professes to be in love with..

But wait! RantWoman has also actually been around people speaking in tongues.  Little Sister for a time attended a Latino evangelical church, La Iglesia evangélica de Dios Pentacostes
. The service was in Spanish, though at times the pastor sounded just like the Righteous Reverend Rant Granddad. People at the church also sometimes spoke in tongues, as in clearly distinguishable from Spanish and no interpretation of the experience ever asked for. They also needed to pray over units of blood to be transfused into Little Sister. They also had a couple threads of Challenging Congregational Drama.

Please bear with RantWoman. The details above are perhaps a digression from the theme of this post, but will be highly germane to another post seasoning. Now back to RantWoman's origin story. Before Little Sister worshipped with La Iglesia evangélica de Dios Pentacostes she worshipped with a Vineyard congregation. This was also about the time RantWoman moved to town, so RantWoman a few times also worshipped at the Vineyard. A few times.

The noodly music did not agree with RantWoman's sensibilities. At the time Little Sister was madly interested in a guy who, no matter what the church said, was gay and going to stay that way. And one day while sitting with all this, God sent RantWoman a message about the yellow pages. RantWoman learned that there was a Quaker Meeting with easy public transit access. Actually there were two, and one was walking distance from where RantWoman was living at the time. But the walking distance one had an answering machine and the easy bus ride one had a live human who answered RantWoman's call.

All of that is now part of a decades-long tapestry of relationships and connections and Sunday morning encounters and holding in the Light.

RantWoman has  heard more than one person talk about the labored discussion at the October Business Meeting. RantWoman has a sense that people were NOT at unity and in fact that some people besides brave newcomers who stood aside, did not understand what all was going on.

To repeat: there is a narrative that we have tried and tried and nothing has worked. If a Care and Accountability committee for a person with disability cannot even interact effectively about how disability interacts iwth people's expectations, Quaker testimonies, process, what could POSSIBLY Go Wrong? RantWoman thanks the Care and Accountability committee for a number of meaningful moments AND for clarity both that further work is badly needed and that the work they were trying to do needs to be shared among the whole community.

RantWoman frankly is APPALLED that everyone thinks that she is supposed to unravel almost 3 decades of relationships because one roomful of people is at unity and was determined to hold the meeting without her in the first place.

RantWoman is appalled that people think it's a giant humanitarian gesture to allow her to come to memorials but NOT to connect with people at UFM BEFORE they die.

RantWoman is appalled that no one is interacting with objections to separate and unequal participation in worship and RantWoman is  appalled that anyone thinks trying to enable that is in any way compatible with an understanding of a testimony on equality. RantWoman will be addressing a clear leading about this in a separate post.

RantWoman is appalled: despite ferocious issues about various location issues and separate and unequal time worshipping with the community. became stunningly clear that she is called to invite people to do something not really happening at UFM right now, talking about prayer, that no one sees fit to share the invitation in the bulletin.

RantWoman did not even get relevant sections of NPYM Faith and Practice in a format accessible to her until days AFTER the October 13 Meeting for business. RantWoman is particularly peeved about this because it was her attention to budget and job description issues helped encourage NPYM to budget for a webkeeper who is able and competent about accessibility issues in the first place.

RantWoman is aware that a decades-long tapestry of relationships also mean many Friends dear to her are aging and not enjoyably.

RantWoman feels awful actually about some circumstances she feels responsibility for that emphatically have NOT helped create the kind of family-friendly environment she feels called to try to tend.

And RantWoman thinks it would be REALLY nice if there can be a first reading of names to actually form an Ad-Hoc committee on Disability at the next Meeting for Business.

In Light and Faithfulness.
