Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Very Latest in Blindness Tourism: ordinary mail delivery matters, buried in Alt Text

This post is pure blindness tourism. As in everything is in the Alt Text, text attached to the images and designed among other things to give blind people some idea of what is in the pictures.. On a Windows Machine or a Mac, the way for sighted people to experience the alt text would be to hover the mouse cursor over the picture. RantWoman sort of imagines that hovering a finger over the image will also reveal the Alt Text on Smartphones that do not have accessibility features turned on. But RantWoman has not tried this.

Happy alt-texting!

And yes, this was visually tedious to create. So treasure it!

Vision Collages on the Outside of my door. Lots of things get taped to my door. Sometimes I do not find them right away. Which detail maybe helps my Eritrean Muslim neighbors feel safe?
Vision Collages on the inside of my door. See how I deal with things pasted on the outside of my door. Which detail will I not interacti with until Tuesday? Which Tuesday?
Corrected trash chute announcement. Oops I forgot about the pink thing with the teeny tiny print I will need either technology or a cooperative human to help me read So, um, someone is trying too hard and missing the point of a question /  suggestion?

The front of the notice, in teeny tiny print unless one invokes serious technology.
The back. When I invoked the "Ask a human:" algorithm, I learned I need both  a url and the bar code number to go online and solve delivery options.

Put the notice on the CCTV tray. Find the switch to turn it on. Move the tray around so the slip is under the camera. This works better than 15x with the screen enlarger. But I still forgot to write down the needed data before I got interrupted.

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