Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The wrong thing that turned out right?

RantWoman IN WORSHIP tends to have two basic messages:
1. Worship across difference matters.
2. Help from unexpected or unusual sources. ? god works it out one way or another.

Part of RantWoman's worship meditations last first day centered on the "wrong" thing that turned out right. Was it Divine Grace? Is RantWoman just needing to say "SEE, Told ya so" on a grander time scale


RantWoman was thinking of the latest newcomer to Wednesday worship. Newcomer sheepishly admitted he found us through BeliefNet. Hey, if Quakers won't do outreach, good thing BeliefNet sort of does it for us.

One of the Midweek worship regulars is ill. Newcomer settled in very gratefully.

RantWoman on the other hand was fidgety enough to drag her phone out several times in the hour. RantWoman's phone also talks so time-check fidgets can be intrusive. RantWoman was feeling very self-conscious about all this.

RantWoman sensed that worship was deep and closed worship a little past the scheduled end. Newcomer spoke of how powerful the experience was, a bit more of his BeliefNet Quaker score (100%) compared to the faith he grew up in (6%). And newcomer thanked RantWoman for taking on the task of timekeeping and freeing him from it.

Memorial 1

RantWoman, with former Clerk of Peace and Social Concerns committee hat on, forgot about a memorial for someone who had been a member of that committee for many years. RantWoman showed up in shorts and a T-shirt, never her best look. RantWoman apologized after the memorial to the Friend's son. Friend's son assured RantWoman that he was not the least concerned because his dad dressed the same way a lot of the time at least in his retirement.

Memorial 2.

RantWoman dragged to her feet for the good of the community of those in attendance.

Reference to post recycled from another recent post. All items here partly about God taking care of things and offered partly for the benefit of people who insist on haranguing RantWoman about their understanding of God and seem not to have space or time for RantWoman's rather different experience.

RantWoman, are you trying to say....?

RantWoman is holding very carefully concerns about spiritual nurture.

RantWoman is also holding very carefully a fear some Friends have of saying anything in RantWoman's presence for fear RantWoman will misconstrue others' words, comment all over her blog, or otherwise evoke unsettledness.

Welcome to the club. It is not just that RantWoman has life experience giving statements to reporters and sometimes having just to let go of such media statements. More to the point, RantWoman is sitting with what she has chosen to hear as a question: "RantWoman why do you not trust the discernment of ...?"  More on that separately.

In the meantime, readers, please hold RantWoman's experience that God is versatile and gets things done many different ways especially when someone might have misheard some or all of a message.

And just because the world needs both joy and rage another item that surfaced today even though it is an old post.


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