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Below is an actual email from RantWoman's archive with time stamps preserved. RantWoman retrieved it while factchecking who actually was present at a long ago Nominating Committee meeting where everything to do with disability was declared off topic. Who? Not one person RantWoman mentioned, but a different former Clerk of many things.
From: Friend whose current title implies one MIGHT wish to be able to
expect more of her, aka "It's not Good for the Community Friend"
before RantWoman managed to speak when she desparately needed to speak to
someone of the Grab the Blind Person and bless them issue presented here.
Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2011 19:08:32 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: It's about crossing the street
To: (RantWoman)
(emphasis added)
too much to read, RantWoman (with RantWoman's first
name misspelled).
I do catch a desire to go slow and breathe, though
From: RantWoman
To: Friend whose title ...as above
Cc: Previous holder of said title
Sent: Tue, June 14, 2011 5:37:46 AM
Subject: It's about crossing the street
Hi Friend
Thank you for the phone conversation last night.
Thank you for the thought about everyone having pain and suffering
being a choice. I think there is a difference between letting pain
show and suffering. More than one person has said I have seemed more
frustrated recently than in the past. Well, duh! On the other hand, I
decided about the time I turned 40 that I was going to stop pretending
that some lifelong problems didn't cause difficulty. If it has taken
this long and 2 detached retinas and a whole bunch of other stuff for
other people to notice, maybe I have been doing too good a job of
pretending for a long time.
There is a difference though between letting pain show and suffering.
If I let pain show it's because I do not have energy to keep hiding it
or because there are really good practical reasons I need to live in
physical reality. People should not assume that because I am letting
pain show that I am suffering. I am not letting pain show to cause
other people suffering. If others suffer on my account, God bless them
but it's not something I mean to cause. …
On the other hand, I am not exempt from responsibility for causing
pain if the cause is within my control and part of the whole said
committee thing
really IS a sincere effort to figure out whether I am causing other
pain in a way I can control and need to fix OR whether I just need to
take up space for my reality the same way everyone else does about
children and travel plans and concert schedules. At this point I think
there is both but I am not getting good signals because of people not
dealing with what looks different because of vision loss. And then a
bunch of supposed elders need to consider whether we can TRY to
address conflicts like grownups. I am sorry the answer with the
current lot seems to be NO and people basically stopped talking and
being willing to interact.
So that's one issue with my continuing proviso regarding people
talking ABOUT me, not TO ME.
But back to Drama in Meeting for Business. Thank you for mentioning my
nomination. Again, I expect that was considerably more talking ABOUT
me than talking TO me. Very few people realize half
the issue has to do with crossing the street and the other half has
to do with my repeated ccrack about Hospitality Committee being
pastoral care plus knives and hot liquids. Whatever do I mean?
I actually LIKE going walking with a certain Friend.
(For the record, Conflict Is a Gift of God Friend) I have lots of people in my life with
mobility challenges. That Friend has bad knees but he sets a better pace than
lots of other people I frequently travel with. He has ONE problem though: he is
a lousy sighted guide in the first place but in the second he thinks I should
be willing just to expect that multiple lanes of traffic will see my
white cane at numbers of times when it looks to me like he is just
unwilling to walk to the stop light. In split second decisions, I
don't need to argue
with that Friend. I don't need other people to
season things for a few millenia. I just need not to get run over.
The knives and hot liquids issue has to do partly I guess with me still needing space for some feelings about vision loss and with an incident involving that Friend and another Friend I have also had occasion to observe over time in Meeting and out of Meeting. Both have
hidden disabilities and it actually took ME many MONTHS of reflection to get a couple really important points about what was under anyone's control and what was not. There are BIG hold tenderly points on both sides of that incident AND big issues of ME needing to come to a
better centered place about issues on both sides. I am of two minds about whether any of that should have played out in more detail in Meeting for Business. Like I say, there are BIG hold tenderly points which are not "Get out of jail free." I don't think it's
necessarily terrible for a community to know each other's sore places. In general I think the choice to bring it up belongs to the person involved BUT I think there is room for Friends to observe and then decisions about
how to handle tenderly, a point where I know there is various history in Meeting.
These points are tangled with some other bad boundaries on my part and with some other basic respect for my time issues and some other vulnerability because for instance of new barriers for me about reading. Then there are some other Quaker world according to that
Friend not being world according to others points. Only the latter really made it to Meeting for Business. When I find ways to take responsibility for my own needs and see past my personal rage and irritation, I think some of what happened was a valuable exercise in
Quaker process and in seeing what Friends get or don't get. I do not
think my nomination was the best vehicle for that. In fact, if I wanted to be in suffering mode, I could have a really big tirade about a number of isms and why (RantWoman) instead of other vehicles but sometimes we go with what we have. Business Meeting is on the minds of
multiple people in our community and I expect more will work itself
out in the fullness of time.
But why IN THIS CASE let things go to Business Meeting?
One reason is the talking ABOUT vs talking TO.
Another issue is that I have FULL STOPS about people not even trying with a clearness committee and about the decision being made not involving a conversation among all committee members and no interaction with my question about how is Spirit moving among us. I think this is a particularly big problem because I frequently experience the incoming clerk as very disrespectful and dismissive and
insensitive about others' reactions and because I do not see the other
people wanting to throw me off the committee as being able to model conflict resolution.
Still another reason is how little respect Nominating Committee showed for my time and discernment. Because no one on W&M talked to me directly, I ONLY got secondhand mush when ( 2 Friends) talked to me.
At that point, I took IMMEDIATE action to try to get direct
At that point, I took IMMEDIATE action to try to get direct
information and made LOTS of efforts to hear people.
[In the conversation referenced here, members of Nominating Committee
including a VERY Weighty Friend declared everything to do with disability and
reasonable accommodations off-topic]
Conversations with Nom Comm were all about why won't I resign. When I
tried to explain interactions between(a certain committee) experience
accommodations, I heard NO willingness by Nom Comm to reconsider. I
stand by the point that came up multiple times that I was called to
ask whether Nom Comm was seasoning the wrong questions.
I had told Nom Comm multiple times multiple ways that I was unclear
but that knowing what roster they intended to propose might have made
a difference in my discernment. I finally sent (members of Nominating Committee)
a "cut
the crap" email on Saturday night and when I saw there were no new
names, I became VERY clear that I needed to be heard. IF there had
been new names, I am not sure how I would have been led differently
but I definitely would have been led differently. At this point I am
clear about some "we are all ministers of God" points and
that is
enough said for now.
(paragraph omitted)
In the Light
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