Wednesday, April 25, 2018


With no apologies whatsoever to Barclay and his apology to the true Christian Divinity

Bless us Oh Lord for RantWoman is not reacting as desired about a number of threads in recent conversations and email.

"RantWoman, you should apologize."

You want me to apologize for NOT dumping the full weight of fury into one young Friend's lap????


Okay. RantWoman apologizes for holding back in a way that perhaps made one Friend feel undeservedly singled out when a whole bunch of people were, um, falling short.


RantWoman sincerely humbly hopes she is not the most difficult person Friend has ever had to deal with. RantWoman also humbly would not mind being wrong: RantWoman doubts she will be the biggest or gnarliest challenge during a long discernment process. RantWoman figures we all better learn to argue respectfully. RantWoman does not mean that idea to be as painful as it seems to be and is assuredly holding problems in the Light. RantWoman apologizes but that is the best she can do for now.

"RantWoman, you're being unQuakerly."

Really. Define "unquakerly." Frankly, considering all the silencing, gaslighting, microaggressions, misapprehensions, and general all around muddle occurring among Quakers around RantWoman. UNquakerly just MIGHT be a big improvement. Now, what paths might help us find our way to some kind of center?

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