Friday, February 16, 2018

Think of Business Meeting?

RantWoman what did you think of Meeting for Business?

Ummmm, thank you for asking.

RantWoman, like her counterpart did not think Conflict Is a Gift of God Friend's presentation about his most recent travels in ministry did justice either to the topic or to the process of supporting it. A further report is due; RantWoman is unclear about the reason to put this item on the agenda.  RantWoman has a sense though that it would have been nice if her counterpart in the conversation at least grasped the process points but RantWoman opted not to probe and to save conversation energy for another theme exercising

Clang, clang, Clang in the zone of "trust the committee" about the process points anyway.

RantWoman remembers a previous attempt to support a ministry based on a document that was lacking in a number of points. RantWoman remembers not saying everything that should have been said at the time in Business Meeting  because 1. RantWoman wanted to support the Friend making the request and 2. RantWoman thought the supporting committee would have things better figured out than the presentation in Meeting for Business indicated.

RantWoman never minds being wrong about such concerns. In fact, RantWoman would say, based on numerous comments and observations, that the relevant committee was not actually in unity about the increment of effort needed to offer modest support for Friends ministering at some distance. This gap in energy makes RantWoman crabby actually, but RantWoman presently balances this concern against her own leading to work and worship closer to home.

In this case, it took the relevant committee almost 3 years to get to a functional minute and the next steps of a ministry under care also of our Yearly Meeting. RantWoman also felt decently well heard while being true to very clear light. In fact, even though there was still steam rising from RantWoman's ears at one moment, RantWoman was profoundly surprised by the sensible thoughts that fell out of her mouth at one key Meeting for Business. Enough said for now.

Beyond the scope of Meeting for Business.
RantWoman is glad for a discussion related to immigration. The topic was ripe and Meeting has been close to unity for awhile. RantWoman realized that discussion would go best if RantWoman just said as little as possible and upheld movements of Spirit.

Movements of spirit included one Friend very concerned about threads still pending and beyond the scope of Meeting for Business. Meeting decided to move ahead anyway and Concerned Friend continued to protest as Friends did their stand and move on gesture. The stand and move on gesture irks RantWoman even though this time it also came with fervent wish that Friend with the Concern get his words and thoughts lined up more clearly.

RantWoman unites with the need to move on with clear instructions. HOWEVER, among topical "beyond the scope of Meeting for Business" points on RantWoman's mind:

1. A call from the Church Council of Greater Seattle to speak to the King County Council in support of policies designed to support safety for people regardless of immigration status. RantWoman's quibble with the county measure: the wording is limited and does not speak to all county employees. RantWoman should go look up some points before commenting further.   

2. Our Meeting is lucky to live in a state where the attorney general is prepared to advise officials all over the state about options and choices related to immigration matters which might affect people in their communities.

Perhaps, with Divine guidance and all sorts of mishmash about immigration issues all over the news, that is enough said for now.

A third major item on the agenda intrigues RantWoman but gets its own post. RantWoman was glad to hear concurrence that "creating new Quakers" is worthy of some focus.  And that is all for now.

In Light and Faithfulness.


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