Sunday, January 19, 2014

Woolman, privilege, doing what you love, work!

RantWoman is meditating upon:
--A temptation, last week, when some weighty elders complained of not seeing howto have close relationships with people of color, to tell such weighty friends that easy options for meeting more people of color would be to eat fast food, ride public transit, or just observe the people who wait ont them shopping.

--The movement for a $15 / hour minimum wage, a RantWoman neighbor's struggle to support her family in the irregularly scheduled realm of fast food, RantWoman habits in the realm of fast food consumption, and the number of Friends, judging at least by the count of Friends who proffered fast food napkins recently when someone needed a tissue who also eat fast food.

--This item about work, spiritual match, privilege:

--The age of Kickstarter Science research, personal  brands, and that blurry zone between "self-employed consultant" and laid off / discouraged / middleaged worker or younger adult  or ....

--Options for trying to seduce some younger adults into interest in the next episode of the Woolman Reading group so that RantWoman does not have to buff some kind of Young Adult cred by grumbling about teing the youngest adult in the room!

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