Monday, September 9, 2013

O Syria

Dear World

1. RantWoman will dutifully communicate her distaste for Us military activity in Syria to her Congressional representatives.

2. RantWoman is faithfully praying for a mass outbreak of good sense among multiple parties in the Syrian situation. RantWoman is embarrassed to admit she has no clue what circumstances should change and in what directions for "good sense" to reign. RantWoman has to assume humans have some role in the desired outbreak of good sense but is generally having to leave things in bigger hands than her own.

3. RantWoman has been thinking about what measures would both convey international distaste with a dictator who gases his own people and MAYBE deter said dictator from doing so ever again. Again RantWoman is slightly embarrassed by the ideas that have sloshed out of RantWoman's spiritual compost heap. RantWoman presents the following in order of frequency / urgency in RantWoman's head:

--Send Congress to Syria. When RantWoman first saw this suggestion on Facebook, RantWoman initially demurred. Are we SURE we want to do THAT to Syria? But the idea has grown on RantWoman: "You want to gas your own people some more? How about you wait until we have another 3 zillion House votes to repeal Obamacare?"

--Send the NSA to Syria. RantWoman thinks that surely an entity with as much electronic finesse as the NSA gets credit for having should be able, say, to infest all the electronics surrounding chemical warfare munitions and keep it from going off ever again anywhere. What? You doubt this?

--Send Millie Cyrus to Syria. Can you say Porn Performance for Peace?

What are the odds that any of these offers will just make the Syrian government hurry up and gas themselves in lieu of accepting the offer?

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