Friday, August 2, 2013

Let's not have a party.

RantWoman is still picking over moments from this year's NPYM Annual Session. RantWoman is in Tells too much of the Truth mode regarding certain customs at NPYM Annual Session that it would be hard for newcomers to find or hard for parents of young children to participate in.

1. Bible Study at Breakfast.

--A Friend has a continuing leading to lead this; other Friends have continuing leadings to show up. Some years, announcements about this make it into the Daily Bulletin. This year, a table in the dining room filled by word of mouth without ever listing it in the Daily Bulletin. RantWoman thought of mentioning the listing, but then kept silent.

--This year's readings were from I Kings, chapters 17-19 or so. RantWoman GOES to Bible studey to learn more bible stories and this year's readings rocked in that regard.
--The hard for parents point: it's a time when there is no childcare. A single mom had a grandmother in her circle supervise her 4-year-old. Note to self: Accessibility to Families Committee could ask people who have been attending Annual Session since infancy or people who have brought young children to Annual Session what coping strategies they used.

2. Meeting for Worship with Attention to Chocolate

This event customarily includes both chocolate and stories of brushes with Fame.

--The event occurs on either Friday or Saturday of Annual Session and is oe of those only by word of mouth occasions that RantWoman gets invited to when she happens onto it but that otherwise no one would have any way of finding. This comment is in no way any opinion about whether eating chocolate at 10pm is GOOD for RantWoman.

--The Brushes With Fame must refer to the Brusher in some indirect terms. For instance if RantWoman were to speak of the story behind this blog post, RantWoman might says something like "my grandparents' oldest grandchild" went to school with the former governor of NY now running for other public office.

--The hard for parents point is just that Meeting for Chocolate usually occurs when kids should be headed toward bed and in fact around 10 pm Quaker Midnight, the witching hour when even many Quaker adults (not RantWoman) also head off to bed.

--Some years attendance at Meeting for Chocolate is greater than other years. RantWoman is meditating about why she even feels entitled to be invited or to have the event widely enough known for newcomers to participate in, but she does. Cope!

Scratch that. RantWoman thinks if God is supposed to be accessible to all, the chocolate should be too. RantWoman further thinks that what Friends have to offer the world is a lot bigger than Meeting for Chocolate, but if we cannot even invite ... into Meeting for Chocolate....

--RantWoman tends not to think of the event in advance for instance to contribute some chocolate. So RantWoman is putting this on her maybe try to remember for next year list.

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