Saturday, July 27, 2013

Spank Spitzer?

RantWoman presents the following seriously BAD Friend digression from her usual moral stewpot.

[Full disclosure (well, maybe not that full) RantWoman was a student at a certain Ivy League University during part of the time Eliot Spitzer was also a student. RantWoman has never met Eliot Spitzer but can attest that he was very active in the student government. RantWoman's only interaction with student government was to help student groups she was involved with panhandle the student government for money to support different speakers knowledgeable about issues and causes RantWoman was much more passionate about than the student government. RantWoman many times made successful pleas; other than that RantWoman has no opinion that she remembers of the student government.]

RantWoman learned recently that Eliot Spitzer used the name George Fox to book his room for the famous tryst that got him skadillions of dollars worth of free publicity. Okay, this was not particularly free publicity he might have WANTED, but it was free publicity.

Here  is the problem (one of RantWoman's many?): RantWoman has no idea whether Eliot Spitzer's choice of pseudonym was a conscious reference to one of the leading lights of Quakerdom or a CONSCIOUS desire to clothe himself in the mantle of Quaker integrity, but RantWoman would just like to spank Spitzer for making her have to think about the issue,even once, never mind over and over while he runs for office AGAIN.

Much as RantWoman could easily find righteous basis to spank Spitzer, she instead firmly, clearly directs her readers toward an item about double standards and the voice of women:


  1. I read Petro's article a few days ago. I was disheartened by (many many of) the comments that ensued. I'm glad to see that RantWoman - if I may share in the use of the third person - sees it accurately in its context.

  2. Thank you.

    RantWoman likes the third person, today, because that way RantWoman can pretend to be present or not with a whole bunch of inconvenient realities.

    For example, RantWoman used to really like reading at least a sampling of comments about controversial themes. However, Mr. JAWS the screen reader already turns so much of RantWoman's life into a giant wind tunnel of aural chatter that RantWoman has had to cut way back on comment streams just to stay sane and present for what wells up out of RantWoman's own inner wind tunnel.

    For further comment on Eliot Spitzer by reference if not by name, see this old item from my other blog. Sorry if the link is not live; there is always cut and paste.
