Monday, June 11, 2012

Comrade Kevin and a sex offender, grace and experience

RantWoman commends to her readers a blog called Comrade Kevin's Chrestomathy,

RantWoman esteems:

--occasionally trenchant essays about populatr culture

--Video clips even though RantWoman has not partaken

--items about trauma recovery, relationships, and interactions with disability and medical matters.
RantWoman got drawn in via  because of an entry about a sex offender seeking to worship with his Meeting. Alert readers will note lengthy items in the comments contributed by RantWoman.

Tonight RantWoman was led to probe further for entries related to Comrade Kevin's comments about his survivor experiences. A fast way to find some but apparently not all of the topical posts:

RantWoman especially credits this post for:

--a comment about how much the second wave of the women's movement contributed to there being space for people to talk about their survivor experiences. RantWoman read this and whispered in her head "YES!" RantWoman thinks the history behind this comment would be a terribly interesting thing to write. RantWoman thinks she herself is unlikely ever to assemble the leadins and patience to do so, but RantWoman would definitly put such a volume on her mean to read list if it existed.

--Some comments at probably the level of popular psychology but still about how men experience and handle trauma

--Gently honest comments about reluctance to speak to the other person victimized in his situation. Sincerity only goes so far; RantWoman understands the point of confidentiality and licensed professionals. On the other hand, RantWoman has been very grateful more than once when some kind of worship sharing has seemed both deep and very clearly held. Both parties have to be willing to embrace possibility and participate. That willingness is never to be presumed.

--Comrade Kevin writes of people in his Meeting, especially parents, losing all sense of perspective when a sex offender asked to participate and worship among them. . RantWoman has written previously of Business Meeting spending large chunks of time in TWO Business Meetings fussing over a decision about where The Safest Sex Offender on the Planet uses the restroom. RantWoman thinks some people in her Meeting found this to be confirmation that our process in all its discerning earnestness works, hallelujah. Can you maybe tell, RantWoman does not detect a large gain in safety as a result of this discussion. Everyone in the whole Meeting, or everyone with functioning eyeballs has their eyes on the Safest Sex Offender on the Planet. RantWoman wants people to be on the ball for circumstances, whether attached to someone already caught or someone not yet caught. RantWoman thinks as much may have been done as the community will bear on that front for now.  RantWoman will weigh a leading to check back about Meeting's capacity to interact with the this topic at some point in the future.
--Further meditation on Comrade Kevin's observations about people in his Meeting losing all sense of perspective. RantWoman finds herself, cough, amused by Comrade Kevin's Meeeting sending out a "here's some news; please keep it under wraps" letter to the whole Meeting. What exactly does that sound like will NOT happen, even in ideal circumstances? RantWoman remember that the future Safest Sex Offender on the Planet worshipped among us for a few months before asking for help with his alternative sentencing requirements. No one as far as RantWoman knows got restimulated in his presence. But after his presence was announced, clearly, forthrightly, in Business Meeting, for a time some people found it extremely difficult to be in his presence. The clerk of Oversight specifically set up opportunities for people with survivor issues to find counsel. The Safest Sex Offender on the planet acquired chaperones; Business Meeting seasoned at length an alternating weeks alternating Meetings for Worship regimen, and everyone settled in for some increments of decisions just taking Quaker TIME.
As a postscript RantWoman includes this item about Grace and forgiveness in ordinary moments and reflections about greater demands.

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