Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Manzanar Anniversary: Remembering Again

RantWoman's morning blog roll served up this wonderful compendium of information about Manzanar, one of the internment camps where Americans of Japanese heritage were interned during World War II including Gordon Hirabyashi formerly of RantWoman's Meeting:

Those of you who just need a shot of history are urged to stop here and concentrate on the link above.

Those of you game for another ride at the RantWoman spiritual amusement park and willing to hang with RantWoman on her bumpy walk to try to stay even half as centered as Quaker greats are invited to hold in the Light the following two redacted exchanges between RantWoman and others in her Meeting:

Call me up and I'll Figure it Out For You Friend: "RantWoman, you talk too much! You talked 5 times on one Sunday between worship and Meeting for Business."

RantWoman: "To be honest, I would be so grateful if words for some of what is on my mind were given to others. I remember 3 of the times. One was a memorial message because it was shortly after Gordon Hirabyashi died. That message was way more centered and centering than the one I was seasoning on the bus. (The one on the bus is getting to be an eruption on the line between a psychological issue and "quaking" but RantWoman was clear it's a message for another day.)

Another was timely because it was the start of what was and continues to be a difficult legislative session, RantWoman is an officer of FCWPP and it's reasonable to hold things in the Light. The third was topical to an item of business which RanWoman will elaborate about elsewhere. So talk to me about the other two times."

Call Me up and I'll Figure it Out for You Friend: "Fine. Good-bye."

RantWoman later, Urk, was one of the other times a RantWoman outburst about Quakers who nod but don't even grunt? RantWoman had such an outburst at one Business Meeting. Friends had all nodded with no verbal indication about approving some comparatively minor decision. RantWoman just had one of her spells and did not even wait for the clerk to recognize ministry about bus drivers who nod and grunt and Quakers who do not even grunt.

RantWoman was rewarded with an observation from Put it Off Until It's More Convenient Friend number N or N+1 who previously displayed no capacity to interact with the impact of RantWoman's vision loss at a critical moment, RantWoman has no idea which pronouncing the comment "appropriate." Call Me up and I'll Figure it Out For You Friend should probably be grateful that Worse Auntie did not show up with a tirade about "Appropriate? Who the heck are you to tell the Holy Spirit what is 'appropriate?' I cannot DO your definition of appropriate and you aren't even willing to talk about what would work so APPROPRIATE THIS?" Sometimes the Lord is merciful to everyone.

Blessedly, several weeks later, New Friend who thinks Unitarians are not Very Good at Silence: "RantWoman, Thank you so much for mentioning Gordon Hirabyashi. I saw the obituary but I only went home and read it after your message."

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